|6| Cured or Uncured?

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Chapter : : six

Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

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I am not clumsy. It’s just that the floor hates me, the tables and chairs are bullies, and the wall gets in the way.

Ha! Seriously Tris, who says that anymore?

Today is really one of those days when everything suddenly starts looking like its going to attack me and look, it has already started. Till now I have bumped into almost every thing that's there in my home. Thankfully, I haven't bumped into someone. Yet.

It’s one of the most important days people say and truly it is. Today’s the day when I will choose and well, there’s not even a single doubt about my choice. Being a cured. Living a life without the pain. This is what I have been dreaming of for years. My procedure will be done and I will be called a cured in just sixty days.

The thing I hate about the procedure is that, after the procedure you won’t have any emotions. Even your talks will sound like heartless, stoic people. That’s what scares the shit outta me. I never wanted to live a life in which I won’t have feeling for anything or anyone. Even my parents. I shudder at the thought. But every thing has its disadvantages, right?


It’s been almost twenty minutes that I’ve been here in my assigned seat with all other seventeen year olds, waiting for my turn to come. I’m slightly worried. This time not for the choice I am about to make but for Christina. She hasn’t shown up yet. And neither has Four. Don’t ask why I thought about him suddenly out of nowhere. Because neither do I know the answer to this why. But thinking about him makes my heart skip a beat.

Why is that happening?

Just when Christina’s name is about to be called, she comes in but doesn’t meet my eyes.

What the hell is she up to?

She moves out of the room when her name is called out without even glancing at me once. I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid. Like my brother, Caleb.

I wait for my name to be called. Four hasn’t shown up at all and nor was his name called out. I am worried. Again I am not sure why. Everything is just getting weird.

“Tris Prior, room no. 103,” the man calls out and I get up from my room and leave the room.

Before I could enter the room, a hand clasps on my mouth and their other hand pulls me into a dark room. Panic surges through me. What if I am going to be killed? What if this is my last day ever? What if this person is a kidnapper.

The kidnapper removes his hand from my face.

“Please don’t kill me,” I plead in a shaky voice.

“Hey, look at me. I’m not going to kill you,” a familiar voice whispers.


The only one who can make my heart race so fast. I can barely see his face in the dimly-lit room. But his eyes shine so brightly.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper-yell.

“Listen Tris, please just listen to me, for once.” The way he says my name sounds almost musical and my heart skips a beat. And I, for once, want him to say my real name. Just to know how it sounds coming out of his mouth. He takes a deep breath.

“Please don’t choose to be a cured,” he blurts out and I stare at him appalled.

“Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?”

“Just do it. Please.”

“Why are you so determined to ruin my life, Four!? I’ve been waiting for this day all my life. I want to become normal like everyone. I want to be a cured. I don’t want to be infected by Deliria.”

This is never going to happen. I want to be free of this disgusting Deliria.

“You are normal Tris. You don’t need anything to become what you already are,” he says softly, cupping my cheeks. His touch immediately sends shivers down my spine and I feel dizzy. It’s a totally different feeling. And I don't want him to leave me. It feels so ... so strange but pleasant.

“Please don’t choose to be cured.” His touch has almost paralyzed me. I just stand there gazing into his ocean blue eyes and concentrate on his warm hands on my cheeks. This feels so amazing.

I suddenly feel disappointed when he removes his hand from my cheeks. But I am still dizzy from his touch.

“Why?” I somehow manage to ask. My voice however comes out dreamy.

“Come to brook Walter beach today at 9 and I will tell you why,” he says looking into my eyes. His eyes hold me in place and its like I can’t move an inch. Its like I am under some kind of spell. I’m not sure what to say so I look away and without saying a word I leave.

But I am not sure anymore what I am going to choose.

Cured or uncured?

Whatever he said felt so true. But I don’t want to end up like my brother either. I close my eyes, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall. I miss my brother, he is the reason why I don't want others to call me by my real name.

I take a deep breath and turn the door knob to enter the room where I will choose, the way I did in my dreams except, in reality, I don’t know what to choose anymore.

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