Prism Love: An Interracial Romance

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PRISM LOVE: an interracial romance

Part 1: Aura


As I walked down the aisle towards the single empty seat, stumbling about every time the bus went over a pothole, I chuckled to myself lightly. It was just my luck to have to get the last empty seat next to a profusely sweaty and burly man in the most smallest corner of the bus. Shaking my head, I realized I was also the only one who seemed to be drenched in rain water. My misfortune had started, as if on cue, when my car decided to break-down on the highway as I was making my way to a meeting. A meeting I was now late for, great.

Muttering quick apologies to each passenger I stumbled past as droplets went flying into them with every move I made, I cursed the silence in this bus. I finally reached my seat, squeezing in as I tried to move past the large man. Trying to ignore the impatient glares I was still receiving from my fellow passengers, I sighed, thinking about how in essence my life had never been much of a walk in the park either.

Growing up as an only child of an all African black couple who had very little to offer, they hardly had the luxury of spending time with me as they struggled to put me through school and keep food on the table. I had spent my upbringing fending for myself and trying to stay under the raider in a neighborhood that was full of crime and run by a dangerous gang who terrorized the community. I worked hard in school to somehow repay my parents for their hard work earning me the top spot in the school’s academic achievers list. The day I was awarded a bursary and accepted in the most prestigious school in the city had changed my life. It was the first time I had actually been around the rich and wealthy who were mostly white happy people. I learnt about how easier life was for them and how it was acceptable in their community to want more than what you have, to have ambition and to dream of a better life. As soon as I had adopted that philosophy into my life, I was somewhat out casted by the people back at home. “Coconut” was the actual name they had used to taunt me every time they saw me walking home from school.

I snorted loudly at the thought. How ignorant of them.

Immediately feeling embarrassed as I realized how loud I had actually been scoring me a second round of burning glares. I turned my head to stare out the window to avoid the awkward looks. At that moment I realized the bus had already passed my stop. Oh sh*t! I was two blocks over! Sighing again, I prepared myself for the trip down the aisle again; I launched myself off the seat.

“Stop! Stop the bus!” I yelled towards the driver.

What I did not anticipate was the driver immediately applying the brakes which sent me flying forwards. I landed on my face on the floor and I heard a few chuckles.

Yeah, very funny Mr. Universe! I hope your having fun ruining my day.

Lifting myself off the floor as I heard discreet murmurs about how I deserved it, I angrily marched to the front not bothering to apologize to those that received another shower from my swinging soaked hair. I straightened myself, fixing my dress and looked towards the driver; I elaborately thanked him and quickly turned on my heels which sent another good shower in his direction. Leaving them all shocked and complaining, I felt better about myself and stepped out on to the side walk as he drove away.

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