Chapter 9

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            So here’s chapter 9!! Chapter song: Speechless by Ciara. Love this song! Got to see her perform in concert this past weekend! She is amazing!!!!!!! So the pic-> Lol that’s of Malika Haqq’s twin sister getting married! How lucky was I to have a main character whose Siamese twin sister wore a wedding dress?! Ha-ha weird! Mwa! Please don’t forget to FAN VOTE COMMENT if u like the chappie? *puppy eyes*


Chapter 9

I stood in the small church dress room with my mother and bestfriend as they rattled on about how I shouldn’t worry because my decisions always work out the right way, and that in time I will grow to love Thato the way a wife should. They kept reassuring me that at least I found him attractive and charming and that not everybody gets the fireworks the first time.

Growing into it… yeah I sure hope they are right!!

The door opened and my father walked in dressed in a very expensive looking tuxedo.

I smiled at him with pride written all over my face. My father may have been more on the strict side while I grew up but he always appreciated quality in everything and taught me to aspire to be the best I can be, and that included dressing the part… huh! Now that I think of it maybe that’s where my obsession with fashion came from. To spend time with my dad meant doing something he approved of, and he approved of me looking my best. I always made it a point to go shopping with him just to get those few hours of time with him before he had to go back to work to try keep our home above the water. I was somewhat desperate, not wanting him to leave our family like he had done with the boy I now know as my brother Andi. I needed to make him proud of me so he wouldn’t leave. Now I know he never would have…

A tear threatened to leak over my heavily made up face and I blinked it away. Ha-ha! Kirsty would murder me if I ruined my face!

My Father walked up to me also bearing a proud grin.

“You’re doing well princess. I am so happy you found a man who will take care of you.  I really did not want you to go through life the way your mother did because of me. If there is one thing I could do for her was this, to secure her daughter’s abundant future.” He said to me as he held onto my hands.

I tried to gulp down the guilt I felt in my gut. If my father knew how I felt he would be utterly disappointed in me. It would crush him.

I gave him a small nod and forced smile then turned away. Lucky for me he hadn’t noticed and had turned and walked towards my mother.

“Fae, doesn’t she look beautiful?! We did it Fae, we don’t have to worry about her now!” he exclaimed excitedly, almost childlike and I had to chuckle at his expense. My dad only rarely got excited and now his excited about getting rid of me! Jeez dad I feel so wanted right now!

I rolled my eyes and caught a glimpse at Kirsty. She was bawling her eyes out in silence and staring at us like a freak as she wiped away at her unnecessary tears and runny nose.

I dropped my jaw dramatically, “Really Kirst? Really????”

“Aw shut up you old cynic! It was a touchy moment!” she retaliated grudgingly as I saw her cheeks turn pink in embarrassment. I laughed at her openly now, even adding the ‘pointed finger’ to piss her off even more.

She is such a girl!!!!

I shook my head as I finished and turned as my father said it was time.

The room suddenly grew quiet.

Prism Love (An Interracial Romance: Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora