Chapter 16

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“Wha-what’s an initiation?” I whispered fearsomely to Beth as we rode in the car in heavy silence as it drove us to the main warehouse.

The shady guy with the leather jacket was in the passenger seat as an eerily quiet driver drove on. I had learnt that the leather jacket guy’s name was ironically Jack.

He looks like a jack.

After he and Beth had “saved me” we had walked a couple of blocks down until a black car pulled up besides us. Beth and Jack had, without a pause, jumped into the car so I figured I had to jump in too. Before then, they had taken turns in filling me in as we walked on the ways the warehouse was run and operated. Ferroscjar preferred his girls to be a certain way. I had to stifle a chill as I struggled to keep up with them in my excruciatingly painful 6-inch heels. Beth however had similar heels on, maybe even higher, yet she walked like she had tennis shoes on, practically bouncing in her stride. I wondered how long it took for her to have gotten used to them as I couldn’t imagine ever seeing that in my future. I am a fashion addict but I draw the line at running in heels!

My eyes drifted down to Beth’s feet as they got eliminated by the street lights we passed by and I couldn’t mask the awe I felt. What surprised me was not even how at home she was in them, but that they were also of pure quality Christian Louboutin creation, Red Sole and everything. I was surprised at that site as I knew how expensive Lou shoes were; hell I even had to save for a couple of months just to buy one pair! Not to judge but how does a street-walker get her hands on those??

Beth opened her mouth to answer my question but paused as she noticed me gawking at her shoes. She smiled knowingly and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

“Yeah- if you are wondering, they are real! The best thing about working for Ferroscjar- well if you are one of his best- I mean- is that you get to have whatever you want! The other girls choose cell phones and other gadgets but I love my shoes! He brings me a pair every time he comes back from a trip! He just loves putting a smile on my face.” She ended with a happy daze in her eyes as she lovingly dusted her shoes off.

I realized I needed to reply so I forced myself out of my head and nodded, “Yeah they are quite beautiful, I love shoes too. You’re lucky ‘cause my previous pimp-I mean boss didn’t do such things for us. Even if I saved up for it, I still needed to feed my son Gid—Gidfred.” I stuttered in a panic.

I knew it would take only a few slip-ups for me to be busted; I had to keep remembering the mission and stick to the plan.

Beth shrugged sympathetically, not noticing my nervous behavior.

“Well don’t worry now, Ferroscjar takes care of his own.” She said with self-inflicted naivety. I could see in her eyes that she barely believed that herself; a touch of sorrow was evident in her eyes.

I took her in for a moment, wondering what her life must have been like for her to end up here but I had to stop myself; I couldn’t complicate the mission by being sympathetic to anything in this situation. “Get in. Get out.” That’s what Andi had drilled into me before we staged the attack. I had to just keep reminding myself of that.

I mentally prepared myself again and got back into character.

“Oh and to answer your question,” she spoke again, this time her voice lowered down to a whisper more quiet than the first time, “initiation is what you have to do to become a full-time Ferroscjar Girl, luckily for you, you don’t have to do it tonight just yet because Ferroscjar is out of town for business.” She smiled reassuringly.

“And what do I have to do?” I whispered back.

She hesitated, the look of dread overcoming her eyes as she lowered her eyes shamefully.

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