Chapter 18

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            O.M.G I won’t lie I was in another world when I wrote the first part of this chapter. *excuse it please* it would help if you listened to Heavy in Your Arms by Florence and the Machine. Ehm...




I was standing at the fair. I am watching the Farris wheel go slowly round and round. It was a bright and sunny day. Children’s laughter could be heard from everywhere; daring and excited thrill-seekers were screaming their lungs out on roller coasters; clowns were happily walking around chatting to moms and kids, even the indescribably delicious aromas of hotdogs and candy floss wafted the air. I spotted Aura playing with the boys as they waited for me; we were supposed to go onto their favorite ride. The boys giggled and screamed in delight as Aura tickled them viscously. The sight brought warmth in my heart, brought peace to my mind, made me happier than I’ve been in years. As I walked towards my family the distinct feeling of déjà vu overwhelmed me… I’ve been here before, this has happened before!! As if proving me right, the sunny skies suddenly disappeared behind dark, thick clouds that crept sinisterly towards us. I looked towards Aura and the kids with worry; they hadn’t noticed the clouds, they were going to get caught in the darkness! I tried yelling at them to get out of the way, I yelled louder and louder yet they didn’t notice or hear me, blissfully playing together. The clouds felt like they were descending on us-not raining at all-but in fact seemed to absorb the blue sky and dropping lower and lower towards the land, completely engulfing everything in its path! We have to get out of here!

I started running, running towards them.

But something is wrong… I am not moving!!

Why aren’t I moving?!

My feet were running, I was running as fast as I could!

They seemed to be further than before!

I yelled, I yelled with all my heart but they didn’t hear me!

The darkness was closing in. I felt its claws coming over…

I had to save them!! I just had too!!

The clouds suddenly started deforming. They formed a red cloud of smoke.

I started to choke, it was suffocating me!

Aura finally saw me. But it was too late. It had me by the neck.

She screamed… her scream morphed into an evil chuckle.

I was dumfounded! Was it all Aura’s fault??

Aura’s mouth wasn’t moving. Her face was frozen in terror!

It wasn’t Aura! It’s not her evil laugh!

The smoke got heavier the louder the laugh went…

The laugh… it came from the clouds!!

The clouds morphed again, this time keeping their red color and yet a face formed in them.


I have never seen her face look as sinister.

The dark red clouds didn’t stop moving as they tumbled about in her form, her laugh still booming like a thunderstorm.

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