Chapter 5

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            Hey guys, no excuses on the lateness, I just had alota partying to catch up on! Lol anyway to make up for it I wrote a 10 page… well on word document it is! Anyway, pic of Kirsty on the side (thato u wil get with the nex chapie bt i think Collins Pennie fits him well---> enjoy it okay?

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It had been about two months since I last saw Tristan. Hell I don’t even know why I was still counting. I mean I met him once and that was it. Things like that happened everyday right? Why then was I still thinking about him???

It wasn’t like I hadn’t tried to get him out of my head, hell I even called the bank and asked for a different advisor, to eliminate any chances of ever hearing his name again. I refused any further reason into why I wanted the change but obviously had to reassure them that it had nothing to do with his work. I mean I didn’t want the guy to loose his job!

My new advisor however was the exact stereotype that I had thought of the first time I decided on this; the balding, impatient and no sense of humor type that makes anybody want to sleep! Let alone a girl fresh out of school that’s had her fair share of boring lectures! I didn’t blame him though; I keep denying every business portfolio he presented me to invest in, that must be frustrating! I don’t know why I couldn’t just pick one, besides that was the reason for all this wasn’t it?!

I sat behind my desk in my office, doodling mindlessly on the back of some random document when my door suddenly bust open loudly. I didn’t even flinch or look up to see who it was. I knew exactly who was all for the dramatics

“Hi there, Kirsty…” I said monotone. I don’t know why I was acting like this, I would imagine its annoying to people, I’ve been like this for a while and I couldn’t help the sour mood.

Kirsty rolled her big eyes at me dramatically, having gotten used to this side of me recently. She quickly closed the door and rushed to sit down on one of the two chairs I had on the opposite side of my desk, practically bouncing in her seat. I guess she wanted me to ask her what was up with the excitement but nope! I have learnt my lessons with this girl and that is to shut up and pretend to not notice…

She rolled her eyes again and literally moved over to poke me!

Argh! So rude! No energy for this, non what so over!! So I just gave up and dropped my pen and looked up at her with mock interest.

“Yes Little-annoying-bestfriend-who-cant-take-a-hint?? …oh I should’ve added ‘with enormous eyes’!” I added the last part just to pay back the poking.

She glared at me and I just smirked at her. She let out a dramatic sigh and decided to just let it go and went straight into it, excitement back on her face.

“Sooo! You know that since I’m the BEST PR Officer around here…” she fluttered her extra long lashes, “… I get to check out all the goodies our clients want us to market? Yes, I know YOU call it ‘quality control’…” she air-quoted, “Anywaaaay, I got FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP TO THAT CUTE GYM AROUND THE CORNER FROM YOU PLACE!!!!!! Eeeek!! You know we landed their account right?”

 I nodded wearily, I didn’t like where this was going.

 “Welllll, I got two membership cards and I was thinking it could be the best place for my bestfriend and me to go to bond!”

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