Chapter 4

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                        Hey I know it's extremely late but I had urgent matters to solve and also assignments to finish. So I only just got the chance to upload. MY BAD!!** also the next chapter is coming up in the next 12 hours jus need ta edit and upload...and sleep in between lol.Enjoy reading though!!



I sat in the hospital waiting room wringing my hands nervously. Tristan had rushed us here in only a matter of minutes after receiving the call about his sin being sick.


He had a son...

I still can't seem to grasp that. I mean he is only 24! Well hell, who am I kidding? I've heard of people who are married and have kids at a way younger age than that but I still couldn't help be greatly disappointed.

I sat there wondering what I would do when I met his wife; honestly I couldn't trust my emotions and how I would react when I finally did meet her the moment they walked out of the room!

I wondered if I should actually leave quietly and call a maxi cab but then I remembered his words as he left me in the waiting room, before going in search for his son's room: "Please stay here... Please?" his eyes boring into me desperately. I had nodded in agreement not trusting my voice before it gave away my emotions.

Sitting here I wondered why I had agreed. What would be the rational explanation to any wife why her husband came rushing in to stand by the bed of her son with a woman he had been with in tow? Honestly I would be tearing up the whole hospital if it were my husband!!

Especially Trist-Stop Aura! Stop doing this to yourself!

My internal turmoil got interrupted when a little boy that looked the spitting image of Tristan slowly walked out the same room Tristan had walked into 45 minutes ago.

This must be his son!

I watched as the toddler struggled to reach for the door handle to close it again. I stood up to go help him and he looked up into my eyes. I instantly fell in love with the little boy and something about him made me want to protect him from the bad that this world had to offer. He walked to the vending machine and slipped a coin in. Wow, for a toddler he was pretty advanced! I watched him confused as he bent down to pick up his chocolate bar.

Wait, if that is Tristan's son, isn't he supposed to be sick and battling some fever bug in the very room he stepped out off???

 Why was he standing here looking healthier than ever? This all didn't make sense!

"Hi" I said in a friendly voice, trying not to scare him off.

"Hi" he said back in a small voice and waves quickly.

I wondered how old he was, he looked about 3 or 4 but considering his father's height, he might just be taking after him.

"How old are you Sweetie?" I said smiling as I went to sit nearer to him, by the bench that was opposite the room I had originally thought was his.

"Two", he held up three fingers and I nodded brightly. How precious!

"How come you aren't in bed taking your medicine young man?" He walked up and sat next to me as he started to munch on is chocolate messily. I smiled at the image.

Prism Love (An Interracial Romance: Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora