Chapter 19

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“H-Hello?! Who is this??”


“TRISTAN?! What do you want from me?!”

“How could you huh? How could you do that to your own son Morgan?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about Tristan.”

“Ow really? So you kidnapping our son and abandoning him in an illegal settlement didn’t happen? An illegal settlement that belongs to the Class 1 most wanted man in the country by the way… you have no idea about all that?”


“—you see, because of the incredible wits of the woman I love, the woman who will be raising your children, all that was captured on tape. I have real live footage of the dump you took my child to, of the under-age prostitutes that you harbor there, of the conversation where you reveal that Ferroscjar owns the place. Now… how long do you think you would be locked up for, being that you concealed a wanted FEDERAL criminal, ran an underground brothel house and I’m pretty sure a few charges of possession of illegal substances and weaponry could be thrown in too… what is that? 20 years maybe? What do you think?”

Tristan let himself feel a tinge of triumph as he noticed how silent and speechless Morgan had become. He wished he could see her face through the phone, see her dumbfounded expression.

He took her silence as a go ahead to keep talking at the same time that she was about to speak cutting her off, “—Uh. What was that? Oh, let me guess, you were about to console yourself by telling me that I should know that your beloved pimp never backs down, would save you and kill me? Here’s where you are screwed though Morgan: Ferroscjar didn’t get where he is by protecting his subjects, you of all people should know that, being his concubine for the last 2 and a half years… He used you to get to my family and now that that has failed, he wouldn’t risk himself getting caught just to save YOU…” he added a heart-felt chuckle to really rile her up, “The absurdity of it all really kills me!!”

 “Now I do know that the battle with him continues, that’s my prerogative, but yours my little addict, is over. What you need to decide now is whether at the end of the court litigations that start in-Lets see- 2 hours, would you be placed in cuffs and never be seen again or, be put in a simple rehab that might actually help you start over? It’s up to you really…” he finished off in a very cold tone.

Tristan knew that he probably sounded harsh and evil towards her, but he didn’t care, she had put his son, their son in jeopardy for her filthy love for a destructive lifestyle, he vowed to protect his family any way he could even if it meant playing dirty too.

When he finally realized why she had gotten pregnant in the first place, it had almost boiled his blood into pure rage; she and Ferroscjar had been in cahoots from before they even dated, they had planned it all out, she was the surest way that Ferroscjar would finally sink his claws into the Bas Empire. Tristan knew that the damage was done, the twins were an unfortunate casualty in this sick game they played but he made a promise to himself: Protect the Family, and that includes getting rid of Morgan too…

He heard her finally sigh in defeat through the phone, “What do you want me to do?”


I nervously looked over to Tristan then back out the dark tinted car window again. I instantly felt nauseated as my heart dipped at the sight of the dozens of reporters outside the court house. Tristan smiled at me reassuringly and put his hand on mine, squeezing it gently. As soon as the SUV slowed to a stop by the curb, it was suddenly swarmed by the vultures like a rotting carcass.

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