Chapter 7

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                        Hey so I just wrote this just now in between my studying and basically didn’t proof read it, which I always make a point to do before I upload. But I did my best and need to get back to studying again. Mwa thanx to the few fans I have who support! And thanks for the wait!



Tristan stood absolutely still, looking almost lifeless with his chest hardly moving as he barely breathed. One would think he was terrified at what he was starring at; in need of an escape or wishing he was not there at all. But that was not the real case.

He had finally seen her.

She was here… in front of him.

It was a confirmation that he was not going crazy and imagined that day he met her. he had tried almost daily to tell himself that that day had never happened and that he should get over this girl he only knew for a couple of hours.

 But she was right here…

All he wanted was to capture her image again; refresh his memory of the face taken from three months ago.

The world stood still. It felt like everything froze and he vaguely realized without looking that everybody else in the gym had paused to watch what was to enfold between the two of them. The electricity he felt flowing between them was overwhelming that he was surprised the equipment in the gym didn’t go crazy!

He thought of how her name suited her. Aura’s aura was intoxicating; it was as fierce as a summer storm but at the same time as gentle as a slight rainfall on a Sunday afternoon. The way she also stood there, glaring at him with those electrifying big hazel eyes that scorched his very soul; the way they betrayed her body language that was telling him that she had missed and longed for him the same way he had; the way she absolutely refused to look away from him in fear of losing sight of him forever, ignited the hope inside of Tristan that he was sure would never burn out.

The corners of Tristan’s mouth curved up into a smirk involuntarily at the realization.

Unfortunately it looked as though Aura read it all wrong as he saw her little button nose flare up like an angry puppy and finally broke eye contact with him. She started half dragging her friend that Tristan had only just realized was standing there the whole time, down towards the training classes.

He took a step forward, intending to catch her before she left him again but she turned around and gave him what he thought was the most hurtful gesture he has ever given, maybe because it was her. She glared at him forcefully and slightly shook her head in warning to him coming any closer to her. He paused, stunned at the slight hurt he felt, which gave her leeway and didn’t waste time in getting away. Tristan was seconds from just going after her, grabbing her and making a run from it when he heard her friend ‘whisper’ something to her as they walked.

“Aur! Aur! That’s the guy! The guy I told you I saw walk in here two weeks ago! From the looks of it you already know him… wait, his not that guy you love is he?”

He could see Aura desperately try to get her friend to quiet down as she took side eye glances at him which made him let a small chuckle escape his breath. Her friend however didn’t get Aura’s silent ‘head shakes’ and dismissals and carried on blabbering.

“Daym! He’s hot Aur! Thank gawd we have a lifetime’s membership to this place! I’m gonna have a good time watching this! Anybody have some popcorn?!” she screamed the last part out to the crowd that was now dispersing at the same time she was yanked roughly by a fuming Aura into a training class that said “Self Defense”.

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