21. Marked

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We looked at each other. And Lazarus opened the compass.

We started our journey, but this time on the road. It is indeed a remote place. After a while, the sun was setting, and we needed to find shelter.

And luckily, we spotted a small house. We went there and knocked over the door. A crack can be heard, as I pushed the door is opened.

It was an abandoned house, without anyone's trace. I think today I can eat something good, more than some fruits.

We went inside, checked every corner. But literally, no one was there. I wonder, how someone just left their house like this? Maybe it's a soldier's house, as he went to the war and the family members shifted somewhere else.

Anyways, we were happy that we found a house.

I put the bag aside n plop on the sofa. Hmm. Nice swishy sofa.

Then I looked over the kitchen n spotted some slices of bread. I made some sweet bread toast and came to the living room. It's a small house but enough for us. I gave it to Lazarus, but he denied my offer. He was sweating a lot. He didn't look fine.

"Hey, what happened?" I asked him worriedly.

"Ah, nothing. It just, I am exhausted." He said assuring me.

At least try some bread.

"No, I don't want to. I am going to sleep."

"Ok," I said.

After Lazarus left, I roam around the house, to look out for other sources which would help us in our journey.

I found a charged touch n some handkerchiefs, I packed them into the bag. Now it's time to sleep.

I came into the bedroom.

Lazarus was sleeping soundly. Yup, he was looking, so exhausted n pale. But he does sleep like a baby, occupying the whole bed. So I took the pillow and blankets. Came into the living room.

I put the pillow on the sofa n covered myself with the blanket.

Please, someone, save us. A lady was screaming. I looked neatly, her house was on fire. A man in with a great build holding a baby. They all were stuck in that house.

I opened my eyes with a gasp. Sitting on the sofa, I was catching my breathes n recalling the nightmare. The baby, it was me. Is it my childhood deeply lost memory. Then is it called vision? Ah. So much to think about.

After a silence, my senses told me that someone was breathing right behind me. I was able to feel some breaths over my neck. I wanted to run from there, but

A siren-like something pierce through my skin, I cried in pain. The voice echoed everywhere. I forced n tried to run from there. But pair of hands hold me tightly. I was able to feel every blood cell in my veins, n fastly pumping of my heart, the sweat dripping over my body, n chilly air.

But both hands were so familiar.

Laazaaruuusss. I was unable to speak. Lazzaaarruus.

And he stopped. The moonlight was busking through the window, n ii was able to see our reflection over it. His mouth was dripping with my blood. My blood. His eyes were able to be visible with a bold golden color. His pale skin was like shining diamonds.

If the situation is not this, then I would have admired his looks.

He also looked at me through reflection. And our eyes met. I turned towards him. His eyes were despair with gloom n guilt. He was unable to meet my eyes.

I forgot my pain n took his face into my palm.

"I am sorry. I know you won't forgive me." He was still looking down.

"Can you explain to me all this?"

"Umm, We Vampires need to mark on our partner after the marriage. But it's been the month n I didn't imprint on you. So the beast inside me woke up and I made mistake. Listen I am sorry." He was crying like a lost child.

After dressing over my wounds. I sat on the Sofa n he was standing next to me.

"Ok, so you need to mark me, and being more than a month, your instinct was unable to be in control. So you lost control n bite me."

"No wait, it is not like the bite. I mean in a human language I do bite. But after this the bite scar will turn into a mark n it will symbolize that I am your partner. So you will be safe from other vampires, and....."

"And what?" I was waiting silently for his answer.

"And then we do the ritual also"

"What do you mean?"

"Ah don't worry about it, I can handle it. It was a mistake. From now on, I would be more careful around you."

And he rapidly went into the bedroom, n locked the door.

Ah, weird vampires n weird rituals. But he bite me. I hate being the vampire wife.

That night, I didn't get good sleep, firstly my childhood memory n then this mark.

I was thinking all over. After a while light enter through the window glass, "Ahhh... it's already sunrise" n I got up and freshen up.

"Bath after 2 days." I was excited.

These little things make you realize that how important a home is.

I was bathing when a pain in my right arm made me realize that I got bitten by Lazarus. Ahh, again a sad memory.

I looked over the wound n replaced the bandage. Ah, I was feeling pretty bad.

I walked out of the bathroom. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I was pretty disappointed. I was wearing the same outfit for straight 2 days. I wish I could get something to change. Then I searched through the closet which was in front of me.

Ahh, no comfy clothes. Just some gowns n shirts. after a long hunt, I found a black shirt, n flexible jeans. Ahh. I wore it n looked into the mirror. Now I am looking more like a human. I was happy. But then the 2 golden eyes invade my private time.

He rapidly moved his gaze, looking in the other direction.

Ah, why is he acting like that? I am feeling like a villain now. I just hate such a thing in a relationship, AWKWARDNESS. Even in the human world, I do reject many guys, but I used to be friendly with them. There were no such hard feelings between me n my (Most of my) ex.

"Umm, I am heading out. " Lazarus said with a low tone.

"Ok, let's go"

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