36 - Bitches get left behind

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36 - Bitches get left behind

He just dismissed me like I was nothing. I don't know how the hell Alyssa puts up with him. He is controlling and infuriating. I stormed into my bedroom about to explode. I stopped short when I saw that Blake was getting dressed to go somewhere. "And where are you going?" I asked him. "Out," he responded. I raised my eyebrow at him and turned to Nate. "Are you going out too?" He smirked at me. "No baby, I'm all yours." I rolled my eyes at him. "Baby?" He shrugged. Something was going on that they were not telling me. "What's going on?" I looked from one to the other. They gave me a puzzled look and I decided to ignore them just this once. I had bigger things to think about.

"I cannot believe that Alyssa is making some guy come between our relationship. This is not like her. We are family, and family always comes first." Blake raised his eyebrow at me. "What guy exactly is coming between you and your sister?" His voice didn't sound amused. "She is behaving like a common whore and a slave." I kept on ranting away. "And can you believe the audacity of Dimitri dismissing me like I was nothing."

Blake stopped me from going any further. "Let me get this straight. You are saying that your sister is putting my brother over you? Or as you put it, over her family. That she is behaving like a whore and a slave according to your words." Why did he sound upset all of a sudden I, couldn't understand. "This is not my sister. She is acting as if she was brainwashed."

"Are you listening to yourself right now Aria?" Nate being the smart one kept quiet through all this. "You are saying that your sister is acting like a whore and a slave to her fiancée? The man she will marry in less than 24 hours. The man she is going to spend the rest of her life with. Do you hear how ridiculous you sound? Whatever happens with Dimitri and Alyssa is their business, not yours or anybody else's. And frankly, whoever Alyssa fucks is none of your business either. This is the last time I'm going to say this to you and if I hear of you attacking your sister again there will be consequences. I don't want to hear another word about her being a slave to Dimitri, because quite frankly it's none of our damn business how she wants to behave with her mate. I don't want to hear you say another bad word about her. Like it or not Alyssa will be our Queen, and that means if you dare to challenge her then you will be put in your place, mate or not!"

I stood there glaring at him. He could not be serious right now. This was not the Blake I've come to know over the past months. This was a different person. I looked to Nate for help, but I could see there was no help there.

"Now I suggest you stop acting like a stuck up bitch and go apologize to your sister. You don't want to piss her off, because pissing her off pisses Dimitri off, in case you haven't noticed." I wasn't even angry with him for speaking to me that way. I was hurt. Blake was always playful and understanding. Now he was just being an ass.

He must have realized the look on my face, because he came over to me. I looked up at him, unable to form words. "What is the real reason why you are so upset with Alyssa?" he asked me. I couldn't lie to him. I couldn't lie to either of them. "I feel like I'm losing my sister. I never get to spend any time with her. He is taking her away from me. I was always the one she would come to if she had a problem. I was the one that always protected her. Now she would rather go to Alexis than me, and spends all her time with Dimitri."

He took my face in his hands and held it there. "She has to learn how to live her life on her own. You can't be there for her all the time. You're not her mother, stop acting like it and start acting like her sister, and stop being so damn judgmental. Yes she had sex with someone else, but that's not for us to talk about. Dimitri has to deal with that." I nodded my head in understanding. "Now I'll see you both later. He kissed me lightly on the lips and left me standing there staring after him.

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