Chapter 3- Shut it STARK

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Percy's P.O.V

Woke up at the normal time which is around 8 A.M I get up before Clint and Natasha. They usually wake up around 8:30 and 9 but don't let that fool you if you get anywhere close to them they wake up and slam you against the wall with a knife under your chin.

Trust me...I know. Now when I sneak on them they don't 'sense' it and I get away with doing pranks. To other S.H.I.E.L.D agents they think i'm cold and moody, I just like to scare them.

I do push people away, I've gotten use to it but I don't push Clint, Natasha, and Coulson their my family and in a way Fury is too.

I get up and go for my morning jog then head to the gym. I start with basic stuff like with kicks and punches moving to more advanced moves that Nat taught me.

"Dam your scary." I heard behind me and almost hit the person until I realized it was my little goth cousin Nico Di Angelo.

"Dude don't scare me like that I almost punched your jaw." Nico shrugged as if he didn't care but with my trained eye I could tell that he was scared at the time.

"What's up little Neeks?"

"I'M NOT LITTLE!" He shouted in frustration a thing that Thalia and I always do to tease Nico.

"And my name isn't Neeks." He huffed in annoyance.

"Sorry Nick." I said and he threw his arms in the air in exasperation, "what's up?"

"Wanted to check-up see how you're doing?"

I'm doing ok, not great but ok. Going to meet the Avengers today and work out a problem they have."

"Well that's good right?"

"Don't know but I've met Stark and wanted to punch him in the face once." Nico and I shared a 'look' and bursted out laughing.

"O'my gods that's amazing." He said in between breaths.

"Percy...Oh hello Nico." Natasha said as she walked in, "time to go ready?"

I nodded my head and said good-bye to Nico and Natasha and I headed out to the aircraft. I've gotten use air transportation a bit but they still scared me to death depending on the weather.

Once in the vehicle I see that Natasha is heading to drive while Clint and I are in the back. "So what's the problem?"

"We believe that Doctor Doom may be trying to attack today and Fury wants you with us to use your water powers." Clint said while taking a drink of his coffee to wake him up.

" I have to?"

Clint sighed and Nodded while I slumped in my seat. I was trying to stay out of public's view and didn't use my powers in public only on missions.

I wasn't looking forward to this not one bit and with Science dudes it gets worse for they always ask to stupid questions. Science is just blah I see why Mr.D hates it.

I close my eyes for a short nap for it's going to take two hours to get to the tower and fell asleep.

Thankfully I didn't have any nightmares, I woke up to Clint reaching out to touch me and I grabbed his hand on instinct. I almost broke his hand when I realized who it was. I looked at him and felt really guilty. "Sorry dude you scared me."

He sighed and rubbed his wrist a bit, "It's fine I scared you, you know us spies and being sneaked up on and with your instincts make a deadly force." He joked while I cracked a smile.

"If you're done with your bromance we are nearing the tower." Natasha said from the pilot seat. I looked out the window and indeed we were reaching the tower. I also saw the welcoming committee. Everyone was there excluding Thor.

I sighed, this is going to be a long day. When we touched down Natasha opened the door and Clint and her walked out. I hung back a bit to let them reunite with their team. I stood at the opening leaning against the door.

I had my sunglasses on and made my face look as neutral as possible. Which is very good if I say so myself.

I counted in my head it took them to notice me. Stark was the first one and I groaned on the inside.

"Hey who's the kid?" He commented looking my way. I had an insulted look on my face because Clint started to snicker.

I shot him a glare but then realized he couldn't see with my sunglasses on. I turn my way to look at Tony Stark and raised an eyebrow, "I don't think I'm a kid." I commented making my voice neutral.

Natasha rolled her eyes and made her way to me, "This is Agent Jackson level 10 almost 11." I looked at her with my eye raised, I didn't know I was close to becoming agent level 11.

"I'm almost level" Clint just snorted while Natasha raised her eyebrow and shook her head.

Captain America came up to me and reached out to shake his hand, "Steve Rogers good to meet you sir." I smile and shook his hand too. I liked people who did things for his country.

Next, Iron Man or Tony Stark came to me and put his arm around me which I looked to Natasha and Clint asking them mentally if I could flip him. They shook their heads no and I sighed and slipped away.

Next Bruce Banner or the Hulk to some came and I could tell he was nervous. I reached out my hand and put a smile on, "I'm Percy great work on quantum physics and love the fact that you turn into a big green monster when angry."

That got a sharp surprised laugh while Clint just snickered and Natasha shook her.

Percy Jackson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now