Chapter 12- News

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"Sure you wanted to see me?" I asked opening the door to Director Fury's office.

"Sit." Fury said in a tone that stated, 'You might want to sit down for this.'

Taking his advice I looked at him expectantly. He sighed and his face hardened a bit, "we got word from the Greek Gods that they want to send the Avengers along with you to go help them with some of the monsters that have been attacking Camp Half-Blood lately. Apparently the shields that surround the place have weakened considerably."

"Sir?!" I said trying to weasel my way out of this but stopped when he raised his hand.

"I have already tried to get you out of the negotiation but it seems to not be possible. They are determined to have you come back into their world." Fury stated and I could tell that he didn't like this at all.

Sighing knowing how annoying and determined the gods can be I nodded sadly, "Shall I get packed sir?" I asked instead

Fury looked at me as if he expected more resistance but I just knew that it was useless and that it was useless.

Fury nodded and I saw the dismissal but also the tone that said 'I'll be watching in case you need anything.'

Smiling sadly I left and went back to my dorm area. As I was packing the door just banged open and I got my gun out instantly and aimed at the person only to stop when I noticed that it was Clint and Tasha.

"Next time knock." I said rolling my eyes stuffing my gun in the hollister again.

The two sat on my bed as I continued to pack in silence, "Are you ok?" Clint asked finally.

I looked down at the clothes I had in my hand, "I don't know." I said honestly.

"Part of me wants to go back but I'd rather it on my own terms." I said frowning.

"You don't have to come." Natasha said putting her hand on my arm telling me that she will be there with me throughout this.

"If I don't come the gods would be very angry and it would just be better if I come." I said still frowning but rubbed Natasha's hand telling her that I was going to be ok.

She removed her hand and I continued to pack as the other two sat there until they had to say that they also had to pack.

That left me alone in the room to gather my thoughts and examine my feelings. I did for about an hour before I saw the shadows start to gather in the corner of my room and then Nico popped out.

He just sat on my bed and looked at me, "You ok?" he asked finally.

"I will be." I said truthfully.

He nodded but didn't say anything else for a few minutes until, "I'm hungry. Where's the food?"

I snorted trying to cover a laugh as he got off the bed. Rolling my eyes I shoved him toward the door and had him follow me down the halls.

Agents gave me looks and things but some of the older ones knew Nico was a friend of mine and was allowed onto the Helicarrier just only looked for a second before focusing on their work.

We are in a cloistered area. Where we were by ourselves away from prying ears and eyes. It was for the higher up agents and there were only a few. So, we had the small area to ourselves to just talk.

"So, tell me about what's wrong with camp." I said putting down the sandwich I was snacking on.

Nico slurped on a milkshake before answering, "Well, we think Tartarus is affecting the shielding around the place and is making monsters regenerate quicker and attack the place. We have a constant watch with some shifts. Training is only for the newbies while the more familiar campers are watching the borders taking shifts."

"Do you have any reason why Tartarus would do this?" I asked also sipping on my milkshake.

"That's the thing. We have no clue, as far as we knew he didn't like Gaia enough to actually go for revenge but we have no other reason on why the monsters would regenerate quicker otherwise. Do you have any ideas?" Nico asked

I frowned, "Point in time where Annabeth would come in handy. But no, I don't know why he would attack camp for revenger." 

"Are you sure you're fine?" Nico asked as he took in the calmness that I was when I said Annabeth's name.

I leaned back, "Nico," I said a bit slowly, "I've had a year to cope. Sure, it's still hard and gods know I miss her so much. But I'm moving on. Slowly but surely I will be ok. Might not be perfect but no one is."

Nico just watched my eyes trying to find any deception, which there wasn't even if there was he wouldn't see it, and when he was satisfied he nodded and continued on chewing a sandwich and drinking a milkshake.

"So, what've you been up to?" he asked after a few seconds.

"Oh, you know. Went undercover for a bit. Defeated villains and some monsters. You know, everyday stuff." I said with a shrug.

Nico just sighed amused and a bit sad, "What have our lives come to that when you say something like that, they aren't exaggerations and is the actual truth."

"A bloody one that's for sure." I muttered.

At that moment Clint poked his head into the room and took note in Nico but didn't say anything as he told me, "Wheels up in five." then left.

Grabbing a napkin and cleaning my hands I dumped my food and empty shake as I said goodbye and grabbed my bags and set off toward the hanger.

Goodbye Helicarrier, see-you-soon Camp Half-Blood.

Percy Jackson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now