Chapter 15: Call From an Old Friend

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I was thinking of adding some Agents of SHIELD (Season 1) and I want your input

"Director." I said as I reached Thalia's Pine and had connected to the Helicarrier.

"Agent Jackson. Report." Fury's voice commanded knowing that he wasn't in the mood for messing around, I started talking.

"There was a fight in the western area of camp, monsters were defeated with the help from Camp along with the Avengers." I said as my mind was racing with what happened, "Report will be in by tomorrow, next day at latest depending on how backed we are."

"Rogers mentioned a theory?" Fury asked but I could still hear the commanding tone.

I sighed and looked around, after making sure that no one was listening I lowered my voice, "What we are about to talk about doesn't leave the two of us. We don't mention it to anyway, if anyone asks it was a theory about a previous, classified mission which isn't off." I started while continuously looking around.

"Percy..." Fury started his tone warning me to get started on the theory but I could tell I had his interest.

"Sir, remember the stronghold that May and I raided, the one that made her be on desk work. I remember seeing plans...HYDRA plans, I don't think they're gone sir. And knowing them, they already know about Greek Mythology." I said continuously keeping my eyes open, my voice lowering more, as I tensed up.

"Do you know what you're suggesting?" Fury asked as I heard a door open on his side and realized he took to a more private area.

"That HYDRA is still active and someone might be in camp? Yes. There are many attacks when the campers are heavily covering the other side or changing shifts. While the shift changes isn't as a big deal, the attacking when the heavy hitters are either on the opposite side of camp or not at camp at all has me worried. I think we should investigate sir." I said and tensed because it felt like I had eyes on me.

Looking around more, and extending my senses to try and feel anyone. I was confused when nothing came back and huffed a little thinking I was finally paranoid.

Fury was silent for a bit as he regarded what I said, "You alone will investigate camp. I will have a trusted agent look into SHIELD."

"You mean May?" I asked thinking that she was the only alive person he trusted.

"No." Fury said making my mind take a pause. The only other person he trusted with this information was dead...."Fury you didn't." I whispered venomously thinking of project T.H.A.T.I that we worked on together.

Fury was silent for a few seconds, "What has happened is none of your concern Agent Jackson." Fury said his voice hard but as he said the next words, they were softer, "It was the only way."

I closed myself and counted backward from ten, it was sad how I understood, "That project was unstable sir." I said worried for my long time friend and mentor.

"We have someone watching over his well being. Giving me reports on his mental stability." Fury said which made me calmer, but still totally pissed at the director.

"Send me his coordinates when this assignment is over." I said and after waiting for an affirmative and dismissal, turned off the phone.

Just in time as a crunch was sounded behind me, instantly my hand was on the gun that I despise but brought just in case.

A kid with blond hair, and greenish-grey eyes stepped toward Thalia's tree with his hands raised in the 'I come in peace' gesture.

"Chiron wanted to talk to you." The kid said as he eyes me and I made myself act as if I hadn't reached for a gun, it was weird because I didn't feel the kid come at all....and that had me worried.


"Lucas Jackson." The kid-Lucas said with a smile and an extended hand for a hand-shake. While it was weird that we had the same last name I shrugged it off thinking it was a common last name, it could always be his middle too.

"Percy Jackson." I said shaking the guys hand, as soon as I did I felt weird but brushed it off as paranoia because it technically wasn't a physical feeling, just my gut telling me something that was probably nothing.

"I know." Lucas said with this small blush as the six year old smiled at me shyly, "everyone knows of the Great Percy Jackson, Hero and Savior of Olympus." Lucas said as he ducked his head.

I smiled at the kid and put my hand on his shoulder, "Come on, I'll answer some questions that I just know you have. I'll do it as we find Chiron." I said and lead the kid back to camp and away from the borders that were dangerous.

"That would be amazing." Lucas said his eyes shining brightly and just screamed innocent. More innocent than a lot of campers who have faced the two deaths below the age of ten.

"So, who's your godly parent?" I asked looking at the Lucas . The kid bite his lip for a split second before giving me a giant smile, "I'm related to Athena." he said as he puffed his chest a bit with pride.

Giving the kid a smile, ignoring the pain in my chest, I rubbed the kids hair future messing it up, "Well, how do you like the cabin?" I asked

"It's really cool!" Lucas said and then started to talk about how there were so many books and architectural designs and then mentioning that his dad wouldn't get anything he was saying but the proud, yet sad, tone caught me by surprise.

"Where is your dad?" I asked as we neared the Big House figuring something earned that sad tone.

I saw Lucas bit his lip again (reminding me of Annabeth for a second before I pushed it out of my mind), "He...doesn't really know about me. I found I was a demigod really young." Lucas said which made me lay a hand on his hair so he would look up.

Giving him a soft smile, "Well, it doesn't matter. I'm sure you have some duties to attend to so why don't you run along. I'll answer more questions after dinner, before the campfire if you'd like?" I asked and when saw the fast motion of Lucas's head bobbing up and down chuckled at the kid.

"Run along." I said as I stepped onto the porch. Lucas gave me a sloppy salute before running off toward the Athena Cabin.

Knocking on the door I waited for Chiron to open it while thinking about six year old Lucas.

Percy Jackson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now