Chapter 4- Fishy Powers

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3/28/15 R.I.P Nipper Perry 12:54 P.M a great dog who lived until she was 16 and sadly had to be put down hope you live in peace Nipper. Picture above was Nipper.

Percy's P.O.V

After saying hi to everyone we headed to the elevator where my hand was shaking a tiny bit.

I hate enclosed spaces because they remind me of the time 'there' (Tartarus).

Natasha saw my hand was shaking and have me a look which I ignored. The only people I ever told about Tartarus was Clint, Natasha, Fury, and Coulson only those four know what really happened down 'there'.

Once we were down on the main floor which I think it's floor 56, it had a large flatscreen couple of couches, a bar to the right and lots of windows which in my opinion is bad you could easily get shot in the head. I have trained way to much...

That's when a thought hit me, I'm in New York where my mom lives, I'm in NEW YORK where my MOM lives. I just now thought this....stupid slow brain.

I turned to Natasha and Clint, "Can I go for like an hour or two to catch up with relatives?" They nodded their heads and I started to turn away.

"Where's the kid going?" I sighed inwardly, I really hate Stark, turning to the billionaire I said, "One I'm not a kid and Two going out, if something happens call me but depending how my relative is doing I may have to stay late. I'll call if that happens.?" The Silent Duro (Clint and Tasha) nodded their heads as I walked to the elevator.

Magical Time Skip Across Narnia

Walking down the streets of New York everything was pretty much the same. Small details changes, some buildings removed new ones in it's place, so nothing new here.

Walking down the street I thought why not call Nico too, he is family after all. Pulling out my phone I dialed his phone number in Italy, Ring Ring Ring , finally he picks up.

"Who's there."

"The boogeyman who wants you to come over and see his little sister with you."

"Ha-ha-ha Percy, how far are you from your mom's place?"

"I'm outside the door get here soon little goth." I hung up before he could pretest I'm not goth and I'm not LITTLE.

I waited for about 5 minutes when the shadows started to form near an alley right by the house, mom moved once she had enough money and had a small house in New York City, I decided to play a small prank.

I moved to the shadows nearby, for some reason Nico can't 'sense' me when I hide which I find is a accomplishment. I waited for the right moment and yelled, "THE WILD PERCY HAS APPEARED AND CHALLENGED YOU TO A BATTLE!" By the time I was down I was laughing hard at Nico's face. (Hope you understood the pokemon reference...)

I'm such a good cousin/older brother. We both made our way up the steps and knocked on the door. Couple minutes late a man who I knew well opened the door took one look at us and broke into a huge grin, "Percy! Nico! Welcome, welcome, what brings you here?"

I smiled at Paul my stepfather, "Visiting, in New York for a bit and decided to drop by, how's Sarah?"

"She has a small cold sadly." Paul said and had worried lines around his face, "could you two maybe watch her. Sally's book agent called and wants her to do a signing with me there. A small festive for other writers and their date. Sadly we can't find anyone to watch Sarah so could you two please." He said begging was we were inside the house and not outside.

I laughed a little and said, "No problems Paul I would love to and Nico I am forcing you to stay too, but I feel like you would've anyway." Nico smiled a little while Paul broke into a grin and said thanks over and over.

That's when mom came threw a small door looked at his and went to hug us. Which was a bit awkward as she was holding Sarah and we had to make sure not to crush her.

"Hi mom, Paul told me your predicament and I would be happy to help." I said as moms thinned worried lips turned into a full blown grin. She started handing the almost two year old to Nico and I as her and Paul left to change.

I started to make funny faces at Sarah and succeed in her giggling and trying the same faces. Nico looked at me then at Sarah and went to the kitchen. I started following when I remembered I should probably call Tasha and tell her and Clint where I am.

I pulled out my phone and dialed, "What's up Percy?"

"At my moms babysitting so try not to call please." She sighed and said fine then hung up. I walked to the kitchen seeing Nico warming up a bottle of milk. I smiled at him while I saw him blush.

"Aw is wittle Neeks blushing." I said to him while he threw a glare at me I just smirked right back making him glare harding making my smile bigger.

He gave up and handed me a small tower and the warm milk bottle.

"Thanks Nico." He nodded and went toward the TV. I stood there feeding Sarah who happily drank the milk then started to burp her. Later I will give her some mashed food with some baby medicine in it to help her feel better.

I pull out a thermometer and put it under her tongue. I walked to the living room and the thermo soon beeped. I pulled it out and scowled, "98.9 degrees we need to keep her hydrated Nico." he looked over to me and nodded starting to get a sippy-cup and filled it with some juice.

Just as he was about to give me the cup my phone went off. Instead I handed Sarah to him who was starting to fall asleep.


"Percy we need your help with some doom-bots please come down here and in hiding cloths." Natasha said as I heard the battle behind her.


"Central Park."

"Got it." I hung up and looked to Nico.

"Central Park is getting attached could use some help but be very careful and stay be the sidelines please I don't want my little sister getting hurt."

"He nodded and I slipped on my hoodie while he did the same thing. Mine green while his is Black we also gave a Yellow hoodie to Sarah just in case.

We then started to make our way to Central Park.

Percy Jackson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now