Chapter 6- Someone Made A Mess

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Percy's P.O.V

I held Sarah as the Avengers and I started walking toward the Avenger's Tower. Once inside I started to make my way to library after I handed Sarah to Clint. I wanted to look up some research for one hour then play with Sarah.

Once I got into the library I went over to the section of other myths. I wanted to do my research and see how they defeat their monsters and if there was a way to use their methods on Greek Monsters.

After an hour of research I found some things out but I also wanted a closer examination of the gold dust left by a monster. Maybe if I get some I can look closely and see if they even have DNA, I could also-

My thought was cut off as the elevator opened and I saw Clint and Sarah and some of the room with cake on their face.

I raised an eyebrow at Clint who looked to me as the door opened, he quickly put his hands up as a way to say 'hey don't shoot I'm innocent' but then my mind thought of until you use a karate move when I get closer to you so you can try and get away.

"Clint, what happened?" I also looked to Natasha who looked overly amused by the whole situation.

She gave me a thumb up as Clint blabbered, "Well, you see, she wanted some cake, and" He sighed heavily, "yeah..." I looked at him then bursted laughing hard.

I walked to Sarah and picked her up. But kept her far enough away so she didn't get cake on me, "I'm giving her a bath ok." With that I got up and started heading to my guest room.

As I got there I went to the bathroom and started to turn the bath on. As the tub filled I put Sarah in the sink on to keep her safe and went to the closet and got some baby cloths and a baby towel that Nico packed before leaving along with baby shampoo and soap.

As I re-entered the bathroom the tub was full enough that I could turn it off and started to put in bubble soap so she could have fun. Placing the other items next to me I got Sarah and started to undress her.

I put her into the tub I heard a knock on the door. "Com in." I shouted while making a funny face to Sarah as I gently got her hair wet.

The door opened and Steve came in. he saw Sarah and went a little bright red as I laughed in his face. "Whats up?"

He looked a bit uncomfortable, "Um, dinner will be ready soon."

I smiled, "I'll be up once her bath is done. After dinner I have to get her home by then."

He smiled, nodded his agreement, then walked out the door. I looked to Sarah popping on of the bubbles that started to float a bit.

After making faces and washing Sarah I drained the tub and dried Sarah using her Nemo towel.

After drying her I put her in a small blue shirt and purple pants and started making my way upstairs.

When I got there, there was hamburgers and hot dogs made. I gave Sarah to Clint so he could feed her small bits of food.

I got myself a hamburger and put other things on top of it. Natasha was with Clint making sure he didn't make a mess with the food.

Bruce and Tony were talking about science while I was talking to Steve about weapons as if it was the weather.

Thor still wasn't here yet and I can't say that I'm too disappointed in that. I really don't want him to reveal I'm a demigod like him. (In the Avengers Movie they do introduce Thor as a demigod for all those people who missed that fact)

When I look to the clock I notice that it was time for Sarah to go back home. "Ok guys I have to go back to my moms and drop Sarah back off. I'll be right back."

"See yeah"

"I don't really care"

"Bye Sarah and Percy"

"See you later"

"hasta luego" [Translation- Bye. Origin- Spanish Hasta Luego means, Bye, See you Later, Goodbye, and Take Care. They're all farewells. Adios also means bye ALSO, but they are both farewells so please stop commenting that I don't know what I'm talking about]

I looked at Bruce and replied, "Nos vemos" [Translation- See you later. Origin- Spanish]

Natasha, Clint, and I smirked at Bruce's face just as the elevator doors were closing.

Holding Sarah as she was starting to fall asleep with one arm around my neck the other was in her mouth, well her thumb was at least.

Once on the finale floor I hailed a taxi and went to my moms place.

Magically Time Skip

As I paid the driver I went to the front door and knocked. The door opened and mom hugged both me and Sarah. She was dressed in a casual shirt and jeans.

I smiled at her and handed her the sleeping Sarah and the baby bag. Paul came in just in time for mom to hand him the bag. I smiled and gave both of them a final hug and my mom a kiss on the cheek. Saying bye I went back and started to just walk back to the tower.

But decided to instead stop by my place that I know Nico crashes at. Let me explain, I have a house that I pay for but never use. More of a safe house that I have. Only it's more of a mansion type just smaller with 7 bedrooms on the top floor, the bottom floor has an indoor pool, a game room, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a basement door leading to the basement, a large gym for workout along with a hidden door filled with bows and arrows, swords, shields, and other items, the gym also has a large climbing wall.

I mostly like the ladder that leads to the roof where you can just watch the stars outside. Nico is the one who mostly crashes there. The reason I have it is because it's a form of safehouse for all demigods from all patrons.

Outside is also large. I have a stables for the Pegasus that also include horses too. I have a set of tracks that are around a soccer field for fun. It's mostly just a large house that demigods can work out at if they need to and get the necessary items for their life style.

Sometimes Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Frank visit just for a reunion. I don't go but I do sometimes leave notes for them explaining that I'm fine.

Once I reach my house I get my keys and unlock the door. Noticing the locks on I walk into the house and call for Nico.

He walks out of the gameroom with a smile on his face, which is rare, only for it to disappear just not as quick as it use to. I smiled at him and asked a question, "Wanna go eat?" He nodded and grabbed his jacket.

Opening the door once more we left the house locking it, there is a spare key that all demigods plus Clint, Tasha, Phil, and Fury know where it is located. The four non-demigods know where it is for they know my secret and we do spend some time there too.

Two of the rooms are actually Clint and Natasha's room. Nico also has his own room along with me. The best thing about the house through, is that I built it by hand with some help.

How I got the money to build this place was from Hades, he's the god of wealth, along with my father pitching in too. Along with other gods that I stayed in contact with.

Throwing Nico the car keys he goes over to the garage and picks a black Sedan. I went into the passenger seat while he went into the driver seat. I texted Clint and Natasha saying I was going to be late going back for I was eating with Nico.

The only thing was that I didn't notice were the five shadows following me.

Percy Jackson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now