Chapter 8- Why I Became a Spy

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I'm Back! Sorry for not updating in about 3 months anyway if you could give me ideas for this story that would be awesome or some kind of bad guy OC or not...

Percy's P.O.V

You know that feeling of when someone has invaded your personal space?

Well that's what my house felt like when Nico and I arrived back from dinner.

Nothing seemed to be disturbed but I learned to trust my feelings when I became a spy

Let me tell you why became a spy.

It was a day after I left the demigod world.

Only monsters disagreed and attacked me a lot.

It was one day and I was fighting off a couple of hellhounds when I defeated them a couple of men came out from behind the trees.

A man with blond hair had a bow and arrow trained on me while a woman with red hair had her guns trained on me. The other two were standing behind them the guy with an eyepatch had his hands behind his back while the other male was looking on with interest.

"Perseus Jackson?" The pirate asked

"What's it to you?" I said shifting in case a fight was going to break out.

"I am director Fury of SHIELD do you know what that means?" He asked

"That someone really wanted your initials to spell shield?"

The archer cracked a smile while the woman was still neutral. "Shield means Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." Fury said

"And what has this got to do with me?" I asked

"How would you like to join shield? Phil here would be your handler." Fury said

"Meh why not." I said with a shrug and started to relax.

"Just like that?" The girl asked

"I've read about Shield before so yeah, why not." I said

"What's with the sword?" The archer asked as he put his bow away.

Oh yeah. I forgot that ever since my sword became a mix of silver and bronze mortals could see it a bit clearer but not always.

"You have a bow and arrow I have a sword." I said

"Good point."

"Now then we are going to head back to the helicarrier and we can get you settled." Fury said

"I have to see someone first actually, tell me the address then I'll meet you there." I said

Fury looked hesitant and the guy named Phil said with an easy smile the address and started to walk off.

Just before leaving the girl said, "Don't be late or skip out."

I waited until they were good amount away before capping Riptide and Water Travel, or Vapor Travel because that's a better name, to the Empire State Building and went up the elevator.

Coupe minutes later I was at my dad's palace with some other gods including Zeus for this small meeting.

Blah blah blah later they gave me permission to tell those four people about the Greek world now all I need to do is tell mom.

After giving one last goodbye I Vapor Traveled back home to my apartment and told mom all about the meetings and some about my new job and such.

Bit later I vapor traveled to the address and at their shocked looks I said, "Now let's talk." and the rest was history.

So yeah...that's how I became a spy.

Percy Jackson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now