Chapter 18: The Rings of Gods

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So the vote was Good Ward/Skye....

"I am telling you Fitz, this is over a hundred years old!" A British voice said sounding fascinated, "Yet, it looks brand new!"

"The writing is older than anything we have come across, definitely not Norse." This time a Scottish voice was talking as I gave an amused look to Coulson

"What exactly is this artifact?" I asked walking into the room, the doors opening with a swish.

"We don't know. I can tell you that the writing is the same that you sometimes do, figured you would know." Coulson said ignoring the raised eyebrows from Skye and the look of interest from FitzSimmons, the nerds of SHIELD that are good at their job and that pretty much everyone knew.

"Can I see it?" I asked and put on the latex gloves that Coulson is making me wear. In a glass case in the middle of the lab was a small, silver ring that looked to be new.

"I can see why you called me." I muttered as I handled the ring with care, on the outside and inside of the ring were grooves of Greek Writing.

"What does it say?" Coulson asked as I gently put the ring back on the stand and secured it.

"What you have there is called The Ring of Fire, and not the volcanic case." I said and took off the latex gloves.

"How do you know what it says?" The one who I am assuming was Fitz asked.

"It's Ancient Greek, a language that is similar to Modern Greek but has enough changes if you tried to Google Translate it, it would just give you a bunch of weird words." I said giving him a smile and extended my hand.

"Percy Jackson." I said as he shook my hand.

"Fitz." He replied giving me a smile.

"And how do you read this Ancient Greek, I imagine you can't really be taught it if it's not popular." Simmons asked looking very interested in the ring.

"Why don't we head someone more, comfortable, before I tell the details." I said giving Coulson a smile

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm sure you are tired after the journey and the mission you were on." Coulson said as he lead me up the stairs.

"Am on, this is a brief visit." I reminded him, "Hydra comes first, I'm only here because you were my handler." I pointed out amused when I just saw him roll his eyes.

"Hydra?" Skye asked looking very curious as to what I had to say and saw that Agent Ward looked a intrigued by what I knew about Hydra.

So I just nodded my head, "It's classified sadly. Can't give that much information on the topic." I said apologetically.

"It's okay, we understand." Agent Ward said giving Skye a look to not actually ask me questions about the topic.

"So, about how you know Ancient Greek?" Simmons asked looking very excited about learning how I know it.

"I'm assuming you are aware of Norse Gods?" I asked after having a silent conversation with Coulson on how much he trusted his team with the information.

"Of course, Thor is well known along with Loki." Simmons said having a small dazed expression before focusing back on the topic.

"Well, Greek gods are also real. I'm not one of them; however, I am a demigod. Because of this fact my mind is hardwired for Ancient Greek." I said giving them a soft smile when I saw the curiosity burn through FitzSimmons eyes.

For the next few minutes I spent answer some questions, others I had to reply 'Classified' too but they seemed to be okay with that for the moment.

I was still explaining when I did another felt my senses search how many people were on board.

I frowned a little as I counted eight, eight people were on board. But when I first came on there were seven, what exactly is going on here?

"So, about this ring." Coulson cut in before Simmons could question me any further.

"What do you want to know sir?" I asked showing respect for the man who saved me from going off the deep end.

"What is it." Coulson said in an instant and I was quiet for a moment, shifting through information I learned over the years and remembering certain facts and stories that I've been told by a certain daughter of Athena.

"I don't know for certain, but I think it's one of the Rings of Gods." I said hesitantly.

"What's that?" Skye asked looking confused but interested in this object.

I took a breath feeling a long explanation ahead, "The Rings of Gods, is pretty much just that. When the seven children of Kronos were; well, spit out, they didn't really know how to use their powers.

Their mother, Rhea, designed them special rings to use to help develop their powers until they could control them. Well expect for Chiron, instead he got the ability to change into a semi-human form."

"Zeus got the Ring of the Air and Lightning which helped the youngest family member and the more inexperienced one. Sure he fought his father with it but he didn't have much control over them which is where the ring came into play."

"Poseidon got the Ring of the Ocean, being one of the elder brothers he had a large job with control over water, he also needed the ring to help stop tsunami's from happening all the time he got emotional, which is how a lot of the time earthquake's happen actually."

"Then there's Hades who got what is now known as Ring of Gyges. Hades is actually called Ring of Invisibility, similar to his now known symbol which is his invisible helmet. Being the eldest brother he actually knew how to control his dead powers, and didn't need that much help. Except for the fact he kept going invisible at weird times. Which is how the ring helped him."

"Hera got Ring of Family, it was actually used so she could contain the emotions that were in her about family, she felt every family divorce, families killing one another, and so forth that they were too much for her at a young age and she had the ring to control the emotions."

"Hestia got the Ring of Fire, while she is also known for home and family warmth, she was the eldest sibling. When she felt the families she could control them better than her younger sister could, but her fire powers were out of control. So she got her ring to limit them and help her."

"Which leaves Demeter who got the Ring of Harvest, pretty much just a fancy name meaning it helped her control over her powers that were connected with nature." I said with a shrug and saw Coulson have a sharp look in his eye and a few seconds after everyone digested the information, "Why is it on my ship?" he asked.

"See that's what confuses me, I know that the Gods don't need it now and have placed it all over the place, but last I checked you aren't suppose to have Hestia's ring. Knowing her, she hid it very well. Where did you find it?" I asked

"That's the thing," May said stepping out of the pilot area no doubt hearing my explanation, "we got it off a perp before he could leave with it. He disappeared when we tried to chase him though." May said and I frowned.

Disappearing is very hard to do, Hecate knows that much, so maybe...."Are you sure he didn't go invisible." I asked hinting at what Hades ring does.  

So, I hope this made sense, if not I can try to fix out the explanation but hopefully more will be explained in later chapters. Sorry it took so long to update this.

Percy Jackson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now