Chapter 9- Fantastic Annoying

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You may have noticed the new book cover, I personally like it as I tried to find a picture of Percy in a suit. That's more or less him.

Percy's P.O.V

I decided to not comment on the whole, person invasion. But I did want to know something, "If we're taking out doom why are the Fantastic 4 here?" I asked

Clint laughed but it was nervous sort of laugh, "Heh, heh, about that."

"No." I groaned, "please tell me they're not-" I was cut off as the elevator opened and oh guess what the fantastic 4 came out.

"No, I absolutely refuse to work with him." I said pointing to Johnny Storm.

The lady who was Sue Richards-Storm sighed, "What did Johnny do know."

"He," I pointed accusingly at Johnny, "almost got me killed while I was undercover!" I said

"Almost." Johnny said

"Oh I got to hear this." Tony said coming into the room

"Classified." I said instantly and took up a stern posture.

"Oh come on, not just little detail." Tony whined

"I can tell you." Johnny suggested

I turned on him, "If you like your clearance level you will not, you signed that slip of paper documenting that you will tell no one." I said.

"He told me." Reed Richards said and I sighed and pinched my nose while Clint facepalmed and Natasha looked at Johnny like he was an idiot but he didn't notice this.

Instead he was staring intently at Steve, "That is beyond creepy." Johnny said and I only know notice the very similarities between the two.

"Wow, thats just, wow." Tony said also noticing this.

"I say we ignore it and don't question it. " Clint said

"Agreed." I said instantly.

"I am having no part of this discussion." Bruce said fixing his glasses after he cleaned them.

"I'm with Clint." Steve said also in shock at how similar he and Johnny looked.

I walked over to the Fantastic 4, "Let's start over, Agent Jackson." I said plastering a small smile and shook Reeds, Sue's, and Ben's hands.

I turned to Clint and Tasha, "I'm disappearing for a bit." I commented

"Fathers or Mothers?" Clint asked and I froze just before entering the elevator to think and I slowly said, "Uncles."

"Got it." Clint said and I fully stepped into the elevator and took off in the ride that Nico pulled up in, "So what exactly does Uncle H need again?" I asked him

"He and I need some help with some escaped souls that are happening near LA." Nico said.

"Let me tell Clint real quick that I'm heading to LA and that I'm going to be busy."

"Ok." Nico responded and after letting Clint know we were in LA fast thanks to parking the car at a safe house and shadow traveling.

Once we got to LA Nico told me how his father explained to him that Nico needed help because these particular group of souls were together and Nico couldn't handle it on his own.

Once we got to the small part of town I helped Nico with the souls but as I was trying to pin on under me I got a phone call.

Putting in my bluetooth I hit 'answer' on the call button, "This better be important." I said and was struggling this guy was larger than the others

"You're on speaker." Clint said for a warning and Stark blurted out, "Who's the chick?"

"One, Nico will you god damn help me keep this guy down, he's getting annoying and keeps trying to get away when I try and damn it." I said as the guy slipped out, "Hold on a second, Nico! Three o'clock!" I shouted

"Got it." There was a bang as Nico used a trash can lid and smacked the soul, who was in a humans body need I remind you, and the soul quickly fell down and NIco cuffed him using special cuffs.

I was a bit breathless and said back to the headset, "You were saying?" I asked cuffing another soul.

"What exactly are you doing?" Reed asked

"Helping a family member." I replied, "Nico 12 o'clock make sure you cuff him." I said

"I know, I know." Nico muttered.

"What? Your family member is a cop?" Bruce asked a bit confused.

"Something like that." I replied hesitantly

"Please tell me he doesn't have a sex slave ring." Tony asked

"Dude!" I said while over the line I heard 'Stark!' and I think Natasha hitting him upside the head.

"What exactly is it that you called again?" I asked

"Right, well Doom was spotted in LA and we are currently getting there. ETA is in 10, meet us at the cafa north of you and don't ask how we know where you currently are." Steve said

"I'm not asking." I said and turned to NIco, "Work." I said simply

He waved me off, "I think I can handle it from here, need anything give me a shout or get Mrs.O'Leary." 

"See yeah." I said and made sure I kept communications open.

"Heading my way there now." I replied.

"Excellent, new ETA, we'll be there in 5." Clint said

Muting my bluetooth I did a taxi whistle and called for Blackjack.

"Boss, wassup?" Blackjack asked how, somehow, he got here before the others.

"Need a ride north." I said, "And were you horse-stalking me?"

"I plead the fifth boss." Blackjack said

"You don't know anything about that rule and we're not in court." I said

"Still pleading the fifth, are we getting doughnuts afterwards?" Blackjack asked

"Depended, how fast can you get me there?"

"Is that a challenge?" If Blackjack could smirk I know he would be now, "I accept that challenge." He said as I got onto his back and started to fly really fast.

After a few minutes I pointed to a small cafe, "There." I pointed, "Maneuver 5, we need the sneak attack." I said and because Poseidon had a title Stormbringer he can actually create storms.

Now when I learned this I thought, "Damn."

I started to make it storm in LA and Blackjack went into the dark clouds but I could see below fine, we blended in with the clouds.

"Ready boss?" Blackjack asked.

"Let's do this." I said

Percy Jackson Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now