Chapter 1

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It had been seven long years since Jade lost the love of her life. The sad part is, she can't remember that she even had a love of her life.

She has no recollection of the life she's lived before her current one, and for some odd reason, she doesn't remember a thing past seven years ago. It's all one gigantic blur to her.

One evening, Jade is sitting in her living room with a cup of tea, watching TV. Nothing good is on, so she just mindlessly flips through the channels, until something catches her eye, and she sits up.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming home?" Jade turns her attention to her seven year old daughter, Aurora, who has just walked in the room holding a doll by the arm, with the biggest frown on her face.

"Hi, munchkin." Jade smiles, sitting her mug on the coffee table and opening her arms for her baby. "He should be home any minute now."

Aurora nods and drags her feet over to the couch, climbing up into her mother's lap, and laying her head down on her chest.

"Is someone sleepy?" Jade smiles, running her hands through her daughter's curly blonde hair.

"Mhmm." Aurora hums, letting out a cute little yawn.

"Okay. Why don't you go brush your teeth for bed." Jade suggests softly.

"But I want to wait for daddy!" Aurora whines.

"By the time you're all done brushing your teeth and get your jammies on, he should be home. I'll make sure the first thing he does is come read you a story." Jade smiles.

"Okay, mommy!" Aurora jumps up happily and is about to take off running, but Jade quickly catches her.

"Hey! Where's my kiss?" She pouts, which makes Aurora giggle and spin around on her heels. She wraps her arms around Jade's neck and nuzzles their noses together, before lightly kissing her cheek. "That's more like it!" Jade grins. "I love you, munchkin!"

"I love you too, mommy!" Aurora beams, finally snaking out of her mother's arms and scurrying up the stairs.

Jade picks her mug up again and brings it to her lips, turning her attention back to the breaking news story on the TV.

A U.S soldier, who went missing in a combat mission gone sour approximately seven years ago, and was presumed to be dead, has been found alive.

Jade's eyes widen, knowing how unlikely it is for a soldier to be found alive after that many years. It had to be a miracle. She turns the TV up louder to listen to the soldier's story.

Seconds later, she hears keys in the front door. Her eyes flash to make sure it isn't a stranger, and then go back to the TV.

"Hey, babe." Jordan says, walking into the living room and dropping his keys on the coffee table. He makes his way over to Jade.

"Hey." She says, tilting her head up when he leans over to kiss her.

She is still focused on the TV, waiting for the news to actually show the soldier. Jordan stands up and looks at the TV, trying to see what has his wife's attention.

He quickly grabs the remote, and just as they are about to put a picture on the screen, it goes black.

"Why'd you do that? I was watching that." Jade furrows her brows.

"What are you looking at the news for?" He asks, tossing the remote on the couch. "You know it's depressing."

"There was a soldier—"

"How was your day?" He asks, cutting her off.

"It was fine." She shrugs, tugging at the sleeves on her sweater. "Aurora is looking for you."

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