Chapter 4

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"I'm just going to step away for a bit for lunch. Call me, if anything." Jade said, taking off her lab coat and pulling on her leather jacket.

"Since when do you go away for lunch?" Leigh Anne raised her brow. "We've eaten the same crap on canvas for years."

"I'll tell you about it later. I gotta go." Jade replied, pulling out her phone and sending the blonde a text.

Jade: I'm available now. Where am I going?

Almost instantly, Jade saw the three dots pop up, indicating that Perrie was typing.

2813308004: 4080 Church Street, Apt. 7A

Jade didn't reply. She put her phone in her pocket, looking up and locking eyes with her best friend.

"Are you going somewhere to do a drug deal?" Leigh Anne whispered, looking over both of her shoulders.

"What? No!" Jade replied instantly, taking her phone out and looking at it when it vibrated again. It sure looked that way.

It was Perrie.

2813308004: Write it down and delete these messages!

Sounded that way too.

Jade rolled her eyes, but did what the blonde said, all while ignoring her best friend's curious eyes.

"I'll be back. Try not to set the place on fire." Jade said, patting Leigh Anne on the head.

She swatted Jade's hand away. "I'll try my best."

With that, the brunette grabbed her car keys and the sticky note, and left the hospital.

When she pulled up to the address she was given, she turned the car off and sighed, leaning her head on the steering wheel.

"What the hell am I even doing here?" She whispered to herself.

It was only now that she realized how potentially dangerous this is. Perrie is a complete stranger. Maybe she knows a few things about Jade that only a select few know, but she could've easily studied her.

Jade shook her head. She could've just walked right into her own death.

She sighed, getting out of the car and walking into the apartment building.

May as well get it over with. I'm already here.

She walked inside and right to the elevator. When Jade pressed the call button, she noticed how shaky her hand was. She was nervous, and rightfully so.

The doors slid open and she stepped inside of the run-down elevator. Jade hit the button for the seventh floor and stood in the middle, stuffing her hands in her pockets as the doors slid together.

She looked around her in disgust. It was dirty inside of the small elevator, and smelled like something between urine and vomit.

When the doors opened, she slipped out in a hurry, dragging in a breath of stale air.

"What the hell is this place?" She whispered again to herself, cautiously walking down the halls in search of Apt. 7A.

When she found it, she raised her arm to knock on the door, but it flew open before she could. Less than a second later, she was being snatched inside and pinned to the door.


"Shhh!" Perrie whispered, looking around Jade and through the peephole.

The blonde noticed her neighbors leaving their apartment, and since she trusted no one, she didn't want to be seen.

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