Chapter 12

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Jade's POV

When I wake up, the sun is shining brightly, and my head is pounding. It feels like someone is going at my skull with a jackhammer, and my brain is trying to jump out of my body.

I sit up in an unfamiliar room, in a bed that isn't mine, and it seems like the room spins a couple of times before I can focus on anything. I look down and see that I'm in a t-shirt that I'm sure doesn't belong to me either, and then wonder what the hell happened last night.

All I want to do is cover my head and go back to sleep for days, but I need answers. My phone is on the nightstand next to me. When I pick it up, I see over fifty missed calls from Jordan, a few from Leigh, followed by some texts.

I groan as I grab it and roll out of bed. My stomach turns instantly, but I try to ignore it. I walk out of the unfamiliar bedroom, honestly scared to find out who's out there. When I walk through the living to the kitchen, and see long blonde hair up in a bun, I relax. For a moment I'd forgotten that she had to move.

"Perrie?" I say, and even that hurts my head.

She spins around with dish soap all over her hands and smiles warmly at me. I quickly notice that she's not wearing much either. Just briefs and a bra. And there's a huge hickey on her neck. I think she can read my mind because she quickly answers my unasked question.

"I know what it looks like, but nothing happened." She says, drying her hands and walking over. "Come sit down." She pulls me over and down into a seat at the table. That shock I feel every time we touch only intensifies my headache, and I groan in pain. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." I sigh, putting my elbows on the table and dropping my face in my hands. "What happened?"

"You tell me, Jade." She says, folding her arms, and I can hear the disappointment in her tone. Shit, what did I do? "But first, you should let people know you're alright."

She gestures to my phone now on the table, and I nod. Shit, she's right. She steps back over to the sink, and I pick it up.

I don't really feel like being bothered with Jordan at all, so I send him a quick text saying I'm fine. At work. Talk later. Work. I should be on my way to work. It's a weekday. I quickly call in to let them know I can't make it.

Honestly, screw Jordan. I just want to make sure my baby is okay. She should be getting ready for school, so I send her a quick good morning text. One thing about Aurora, she keeps that phone close by. She texts back immediately.

Princess Aurora: Good morning mommy! Where are you?

Me: I had to work early, Munchkin. I love you. Have a great day. I'll see you after school. ❤️

Princess Aurora: I love you too mommy! 💘

I'm relieved that she's okay. It seems like she doesn't even know I wasn't there. I left after she went to bed.

Finally, I text Leigh.

Me: Hey, sorry for not replying. I'm okay. I won't be in today, but I'll call you later?

She texts back right away too.

Leigh: Bitch, you have some explaining to do! But I'm glad you're safe 🥺

Leigh: Are you with the blonde bombshell? 😏

I shake my head at the nickname.

Me: It's a long story, but yes.

Leigh: Am I covering for you again?

I think for a moment. Then reply.

Me: Not this time.

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