Chapter 21

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"I don't think this is a good idea anymore." Perrie said as she and Jade sat in the car outside the hospital and talked.

Jade's been talking about getting the chip removed from her head, against the blonde's advice. She only drove Jade there because she knew the brunette would still go with or without her, and she at least wanted to be there. She still did not like the idea one bit.

"It's inactive. What's the worst that could happen?" Jade asked.

"I don't want to find that out, Jade." Perrie replied. "I already lost you once."

"I feel like the longer this thing is in my head, the more likely it is that I can be controlled at any time. It's just turned off for now, but what if someone decides they want to wipe all of my memories again? I can't go through that a second time, Perrie. I lost everything I didn't even know I had. I just want it gone." Jade said, and the blonde sighed.

"I understand that, but—"

"Do you?" Jade asked. "How is this any different from your little suicide mission?"

"It's not a suicide mission, Jade." The blonde sighed again.

"We don't know that either. Just like we don't know about this. But you feel like it's something you HAVE to do. So do I." Jade said.

"What's your plan then?" Perrie asked, turning to look at Jade. "You can't just walk into a hospital and say remove this chip from my head. There'll be so many questions."

"So let there be questions." Jade shrugged. "They need to be exposed for what they've done."

"Jade, you're not thinking this through. We don't even know who they are." The blonde said. "I agree that they need to be exposed, and we will do that at some point, but not right now. Not while we don't know what we're dealing with. What if the stupid chips are programmed to self-destruct if they're tampered with? Then what?"

"I don't like the the fact that it's in my head." Jade sighed. "I want it out."

"Okay..." Perrie sighed, seeing that she wasn't going to win. "Just... give me until tomorrow night. Let me try to get more answers first."

"How do you plan on doing that?" The brunette asked. "We haven't gotten anywhere in all of this time... you're just going to magically find answers by tomorrow night?"

"Please... at least just let me try." Perrie sighed.

"Fine." Jade huffed. "But tomorrow night, I'm coming back here."

"Okay. Let's go get Aurora and get you home." Perrie said, relieved that she was able to convince Jade to give her one more day, even though she had no clue what she'd do with it.

The blonde pulled away from the hospital, and drove them towards their daughter's school. The entire ride was silent, until Aurora got in the car and talked both of their ears off about school.

"How would you feel about pizza for dinner?" Perrie asked Jade.

She tried to ask quietly, but in addition to her talkativeness, Aurora also had very good hearing. When the little blonde heard the word 'pizza', she squealed from the backseat.

"I guess we have our answer." Jade chuckled, looking back at their daughter.

Perrie laughed, and headed towards the restaurant.

"What kind of pizza do you want, little one?" Perrie asked her daughter as she carried her across the parking lot towards the restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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