Chapter 3

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"I don't know how it happened either. I'm taking care of it." Jade heard Jordan talking to someone on the phone as she walked into the living room. "I know. She's—I gotta go."

Jordan quickly hung up the phone and smiled as Jade approached him. She sat down on the couch and curled into his side.

"Who was that on the phone?" She asked him.

"Just my boss, babe." He replied quickly, turning to kiss her on the forehead. "You ready to go?"

Jade nodded, noticing how strange he's been acting lately. Maybe he just needed some time away from work, and this weekend would be good for him.

When the doorbell rang, Jade sat up and let Jordan get it, already knowing who it was.

"Hey, son! Look at you!" His mom beamed, stepping in to hug him.

"Hey, mom." Jordan smiled.

"You look thinner than the last time I saw you. Is she not feeding you well?" She asked and Jade rolled her eyes, standing up from her place on the couch.

"Mom, stop it." Jordan said.

"Hello, Ms. Stephens." Jade said politely.

"Jade." Jordan's mom replied flatly, and Jade just shook her head and walked by them, going upstairs to get Aurora.

When she made it to Aurora's room, her heart tightened seeing her daughters beautiful blue eyes filled with tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" She asked, rushing over to her daughter's bed to hug her.

"I.... don't... want... you... to... leave... meeeee." Aurora choked out in between sobs.

"Awww, baby." Jade frowned. "Shhhh. Don't cry. We'll be back."

"B-but why... can't... I... g-go?" The small blonde girl asked.

"Because your grandmother wants to spend some time with you." Jade said, feeling bile rise up in her throat at the mere mention of the woman downstairs.

"B-but... but..." She broke down into even more sobs and it hurt Jade's heart. She just rubbed her baby's back.

"It's just for a couple of days, princess. Then we'll be back, and we'll be all yours." Jade said softly. "We can even have a movie night!"

"We can?" Aurora looked up at her mom with teary blue eyes.

"Mhmm." Jade hummed, rubbing her back. "All of the movies you can watch before you fall asleep. And you can even pick them!"

Aurora sniffled. "Can we watch Sleeping Beauty?"

Jade chuckled, finding her little girl's obsession with Sleeping Beauty absolutely adorable.

"Yep! We can even watch Sleeping Beauty! Again... for the millionth time." Jade said with a smile. "But you have to promise to be good for your grandmother."

"I promise, mommy." Aurora nodded.

Jade held out her hand, extending her pinky finger, which Aurora just grabbed and held onto with her whole hand, making Jade giggle.

Since she was little, they'd been doing pinky promises. Aurora was never able to wrap her pinky around her mom's, just because hers was too small, so she'd just wrap all of her fingers around it, the way a baby does, and she's been doing that ever since.

"Come on, Princess Aurora. Let's go say hi to your grandma." Jade smiled, standing up with the small girl in her arms.

Aurora wrapped her arms around Jade's neck and held her tightly as she carried her down the stairs. She put her down and Aurora frowned.

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