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-Anthony's Point Of View-

Anya was leaving to go back to school when the week was over.

Dad despised Anya's piercing, but she would go back to Harvard with her nose ring to 'show all those snobs that intelligent people don't have to look boring'
Anya's words, not mine.

She would show off her peace tattoo, which was conveniently etched into her middle finger.

I would miss her. She was my only distraction.

"She'll be back soon." Ma told me as we watched Anya drive off.

"I know, but she's my best friend."

"And Anya is very lucky to have you as your brother."
Ma said as she gave me a hug.

"I'm not, though."

"What makes you say that?"

"I stole twenty dollars from her wallet."


-Sam's Point Of View-

Noah moved in on Saturday.

We didn't have to do much, and by we, I mean Jeremy and Noah.

I sat back and watched them lung Noah's boxes in. Mike was coming over later after his football practice.

My imagination got the best of me.

Mike would smell like he usually did, soap and detergent.

Oddly, my favorite.

When we hugged, I'd get that overwhelming feeling every time I was near Mike. Fuzzy and warm, like I could get lost in him.

Jeremy wasn't too excited about Mike and I. After he caught us in my room, Jeremy was certain we were up to something and gave me a warning.

He said Mike couldn't be in my room anymore if I didn't follow the rules.

I told Jeremy if I wanted to sleep with Mike, I would of already.

Noah thought that was funny.

It didn't take long for them to move all of Noah's belongings into the house.

I stayed in my room, lazing around.

When Mike came over, Jeremy let him up in my room, but don't do anything he wouldn't do.

"You took a shower." I sighed dreamily as I hugged him.

"Well, I had to. I was gross."

"You know I love you no matter what."

"Love you too."

He gave me a kiss, stopping when I flinched against his touch.

"What's that?" He rubbed circles into my stomach, where my bruises were still tender.

"It', where you kicked me."

"Sam...I'm so sorry."

I shook my head, "Please don't apologize. It's nice of you to care, but you don't mean it. You won't be this way forever."

"What way?"

"Sweet. Good. You'll go back to hitting me and I really can't stand your unrealistic apologies."

"No, no, no," He pulled me closer, "don't you know I love you? I promised you I'd never hurt you again...I feel so terrible about your bruises."

His gaze was empty.

"You can't undo it." I responded quietly.

"No," He smiled, "but I can try."

Mike was most considerate yet awful person I knew. He wouldn't of needed to do what he did to make me feel better.

He kneeled down on his knees in front of me, lifted my shirt a little, and kissed the bruises on my stomach.

"Mike," I began to whisper, "you're going to get me in trouble."

He pressed kisses to my stomach, my skin tingling.

"You want me to stop?" He asked, glancing up at me.

"Never mind. Continue." I let one of my hands rest on his shoulder and the other gently tangled in his hair.

Mike could kiss all the pain away, but he caused it in the first place.

"Feel better?" He asked, standing up.

I nodded, "I love you."

"Love you too."

Mike tugged on the sleeves of my long sleeved blue shirt, "You look nice." He told me.

"I know how much you like me in blue." I said, looking down at my feet.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Guess what I heard today?" Mike asked me.

"Yeah?" My heart sped up in my chest.

"I just wanted to make sure you were know, even when I'm not there. And Anthony keeps getting in the way."

I sat on my bed to distance myself from him a tad, since we had been standing by my bed the whole time. I didn't want to make it easy for Mike to throw me on the floor during the beating that was sure to come.

"One of my friends happened to run into Anthony...and tried to keep him from watching out for you. I'm only trying to protect you," He gave me a glare that knocked all the air out of me, "so, I think I might have a discussion with Anthony at school. He won't bother either of us after that."

"Are you going to hurt him?"
Mike laughed, the sound bouncing off the walls in the creepiest way possible, "Not as bad as I'm going to hurt you."

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