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part thirteen~

-tubbo's POV-

ranboo was gone. all was quiet. no talking, no zombies, no ranboo. it was weird, i knew he was gone but i didn't feel like he was gone. i was numb. tommy tried to say something multiple times but every time he would open his mouth, there was no sound. thomas simons was actually speechless- that's a first. "t-the safe zone should be just past these trees" he glanced at me shortly before going back into our silent state

-tommy's POV-

we found the safe zone. there were two people with bows guarding the only entrance. "don't come any closer!!" one of them yelled as they both aimed towards us. "don't shoot!!" tubbo and i raise our hands. one of them lowers their weapon and walks towards us. "i'm gonna need you to state your names and whether you're bitten." "i-i'm thomas simons, this is toby smith and this is michael" "michael what" "we don't know" he stares down michael, soon seeing his bite. "i'm gonna have to ask you to leave, we can't let you bring a bitten person within these walls"

-tubbo's POV-

"what the fuck, man!?" i spit at him. "you two can come inside but he cannot join you" "this is bullshit!! he's a child!?" "look-" "no YOU look. i've already lost my best friend today. i'm NOT going to lose my son too!!" he sighs but says nothing. "alright then." i grab michael's hand and start walking away from them. "toby wait!!" tommy shouts from behind me. "come on john, he's just a kid" the other guard pipes up "fine" i turn around to see that they have opened the gates for us to enter. i give 'john' one last glare as i walk past him.

"so what was all that about??" i look at tommy "all what about??" "you know, you calling michael 'your son'??" i shrug. "i've lost a lot today and he kinda feels like he's my son, kinda like me and ranboo are his fathers. not in a weird way" he nods slowly "i mean, you saw how protective we both became whenever you didn't want michael around or tried to sacrifice him" i say with a hint of anger. a guilty look spread across his face as he scratches the back of his neck. i look over at michael to see him fast asleep in his little bed and i roll over in mine. "goodnight tom" "night tubbs"

this was a short one also TYSM FOR 1k READS!?
art by @huskelOver12 on twitter

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