Chapter 2: "Welcome To Haitsu Academy!"

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Chapter 2: "Welcome To Haitsu Academy!"

The bright lights of the room hurt Rei's head as he awoke, looking around his surroundings he realised he was in some sort of hospital. The distant noise of a pen writing could be heard, he shook his head and looked up. A nurse plopped herself in front of his vision.

"Good morning sleepy head." She giggled and walked over to him. Taking off bands from his body.

"Who are you?" Rei asked, still in a daze from the drugs.

"Names, Akahaya Usu. I'm the main nurse at the academy." She smiled and went back to her business.

"Wait at the academy?" Rei asked confused.

"Yeah? Where else would you be dummy." She laughed looking at Rei's poor confused soul.

"I don't know, maybe a hospital?" He said sarcastically.

"You were, then they transferred you here so you didn't miss out on the opening day." She sighed looking back down at her paperwork. Akahaya had bright pink her, she was rather tall and had very... prominent features. She wore a white lab coat and some way too small clothes underneath. A black crop top that buttons were holding on for dear life, a mini skirt that was way too revealing and some very high black heels.

"What about my stuff? It's still at the inn." Rei looked around worried.

"Don't worry, Sakuzawa brought it to the school this morning." Akahaya pointed at the wall, where there was one big suitcase and some shopping bags.

"Sakuzawa? Oh, the girl from the Inn?" Rei asked Akahaya.

"Yeah once they heard you'd been transferred she headed straight for the school with your stuff," Akahaya giggles. "Kinda cute. A girl love interest and you've been in Japan for less than 2 days."

"She's not a love interest. Just someone I helped... wait how did you know I'd been here for 2 days?" Rei asked confused.

"Secrets Takeshi. Anyway, you've got about 5 minutes until the opening assembly starts. Leave your stuff here, I'll show you to your room after it." Akahaya points to the door.

"How will I know my way?" Rei asks walking to the door.

"Follow the crowd Takeshi, that way you can't take a wrong turn and you won't get hurt." Akahaya smiled as Rei walked out of the room.

(Sakuzawa Yasumi's View)

"So far, the most horrifying day of my life!" Sakuzawa shouted to her friends. She had met up with them before walking to the school. They had transferred at the end of the last school semester, then decided they'd stick together at the other academy.

Baisho Otojiro, Sakuzawa's childhood best friend. More like a brother to her. Baisho had dark black hair, and deep brown eyes and always wore black rectangle glasses. He wasn't very fit, sporty or handsome in the girl's opinion. Overall, he was kind of skinny but he was very kind.

Tokuma Shojiro, Sakuzawa's other childhood best friend, her sister from another mother. They were always so close, knowing all of one another's secrets and telling each other everything. Tokuma had bright blue and black wavy hair, that went down to the middle of her back. She had bright aqua and green eyes.

"Why's that Yasumi?" Tokuma called out to Sakuzawa who had just reached them.

"I couldn't find my dorm and then I tried to find you guys for over 30 minutes." Sakuzawa was catching her breath, she was still carrying her suitcase after all.

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