Chapter 15 "Memory #1"

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"Hey kid, wake up." The humbled dark voice brought Rei's eyes open. "Artemis." Rei smiled as he woke, a good face to see during the last few months.

"It's breakfast, come get some while you can." Artemis walked out of Rei's cell towards the stairs. He looked in the mirror, his half-face mask sitting on the sink. Putting it on, he hides his wounds, walking to the cafeteria.

"What's happening sugar?" The cafeteria lady asked as Rei chose his food.

"Not much Natalie, can I grab the chicken and gravy?" Rei's little puppy eyes affected everyone in the Fox Institution.

"Of course, baby cakes, coming right up!" Natalie turned around and got Rei what he asked for, handing it to him with a pat on the head.

"Thank you!" Rei smiled even though she couldn't see through the mask. He wandered through the rows of tables, everyone saying hello as he walked past. He waved and smiled, stopping for chit-chat here and there before finding his seat with Artemis.

"What's the schedule today?" Rei asked digging into his dry chicken.

"We're on sanction call." Artemis bellowed softly down to Rei.

"Again? It's too boring." Rei slumped down.

"At least it isn't dangerous." Artemis smiled. He'd been taking care of Rei ever since he got here, reminded Artemis of his son. Rei was just like a lost injured puppy when he got here. Frightened, Artemis knew that feeling as well.

"But the danger is cool! And fun!" Rei made fists and pretended to knock out the air.

"Danger is neither of those things boy. You'll get yourself hurt." Artemis looked at Rei seriously.

"Finnnnneeee." Rei went back to eating.

"I'm pretty sure the sins are here today, so you might see some of that action." Artemis stood up, hearing the bells chime that their shift was starting.

"I didn't even get to Finnish." Rei rolled his eyes, following Artemis to the elevator.

(15 minutes later)

"This is 'Sin: Lust' reporting, we've got refugees. Group of 10, arriving in T-minus 5 minutes. Please prepare sanction door C for opening. Over." The radio buzzed in and out, with no connection going out of the bunker.

"This is 'Pride#009' confirming the request for sanction door C opening, over." Artemis looked over at Rei.

"Yeah! We've got action." Rei smiled picking up his tiny broom and pretending to fight with a sword.

"Just remember to keep safe, and to be near me at all times," Artemis said firmly.

"Yeeessss, arrttyyyyy." Rei laughed saluting Artemis.

"You're such a hard time, you know that?" Artemis sighed and shook his head.

"Pride#009, request for the door to be opened now. Over" the girl's kind voice came through the radio. Artemis reached over and opened the door. Walking out of the office, with Rei trailing behind. They met the group at the door.

"Artemis." The girl with bright red hair and red eyes, with an athlete's figure, spoke to Artemis firmly.

"Yaru." Artemis turned his body to shield Rei.


YARU: (Lust)

1st Ability: Invaliding Inferno (the ability to create fires upon a person

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