Chapter 12: Return

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Chapter 12: Return


(A few months after the events of Chapter 11 "The Sin Selection Protocol)

The peace declaration laws had been in place for over 4 months now, life had completely changed from what it used to be. The Haitsu Academy had become a training ground for those who had power levels over 500,000 and had opted in to be in a team for the 'Tournament Of Sin'

Around 1,250 people had joined. Only 45 would be selected.

The people who had opted in were given a free place to stay, food to eat, and most importantly places to train their abilities. The Academy had multiple area's that simulated what kind of warzone's there would be in the 'Tournament Of Sin'

From abandoned cities to overgrown forests, everything was there.   

Declan Fox, had an office in the topmost tower of the Academy. Where the principals office used to be, he never left the room though.

In the main courtyard of the Academy, a massive digital leaderboard was displayed across the buildings. It showed who was currently selected for each team, their power level, who they were and every last bit of information...

(Tokuma's POV)

A scream echoed through the desolate wasteland. It was sandy, hot and humid. 

"Get your bullshit off me!" Iwata yelled as loud as she could , fluorescent pink chains held her to the ground. She could see Tokuma standing on the other side of the broken bridge.

------Tokuma Shojiro------

Power Level: 750,000

1st Ability: Binding (Mentally resreict or imprison others)

2nd Ability: Binder. (Create physical restraints to restrict or imprison others)




"No, that would be a dumb decision." Tokuma giggled, she had changed alot since everything had happened. Rei was gone, she hadn't seen him. Baisho died on the spot, and to top it all off... Sakuzawa had been dragged away by Akahaya to who knows where.

Yamane sat in the control booth, these facilities were amazing. You could generate any type of environment and the people inside wouldn't be able to tell the difference between what was real and what wasn't.

Iwata looked down at the chains that cuffed her wrists and feet.

"Fuck you, this hurts." Iwata said, using her second ability her hands and feet fell off.

------Iwata Taysuke------

Power Level: 670,000

1st Ability: Psychometry. (Ability to gain information about objects, people, events, etc using the five senses)

2nd Ability: Body separation. (Detach and reattach limbs at will)




Re-attaching her limbs she ran towards the edge of the bridge. Noticing one of the dangling ropes she dived off the edge, grabbing onto the rope and swinging to the other side. Landing 15 meters in front of Tokuma.

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