Chapter 9: "I'm a hero to some, devil to others."

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Chapter 9: "I'm a hero to some, devil to others."

5 days after the events of "The War Of White's And Black's"

Dark. Pitch black utter darkness, was all Kuromura could see. A metallic smell flooded her nose, the cold tiled floor lay beneath her. She felt that she was chained up, it was tight around her wrists and feet.

"Hello?.." She tried to call out to someone, anyone. Her voice was raspy, her throat was burning. The sound of a door being unlocked echoed through the empty room. A light entered the room, the door swung open.

"Kuromura Haitsu, General of the Japanese Army Corps, soon to be anyway." A man walked into the room shutting the door behind him.

"Who's.... There?" Kuromura's voice was quiet, she feared she was dying.

"I'm a hero to some, devil to others." The man's deep voice echoed through the room.

"That.. doesn't answer my... question..." Kuromura coughed, her throat was dry and still burning. A match was lit in front of her face, inches away. The heat instantly started to burn her skin. The man crouched down in front of her, he wore a black skull mask over his face. It only covered his face and on the forehead it had two small horns. A yellow and gold essence, glowed through the mask. Almost like the fires of hell trying to escape their prison.

"You know me as Declan Fox, but most call me The Devil." The man laughed, it was deep and came from his chest.

"What... do.. you.. want?..." Kuromura looked at Declan, trying to flinch away from the match. The pain was excruciating.

"Do you not remember the events from yesterday?" Declan flicked the match away and stood up. He clapped his hands, the lights flickered on revealing the room. Kuromura was naked, cuts and blood all over her body. Bodies of the soldiers who were on the helicopter lay around her.

"Where's.. Misuchi?.." She tried to gather the energy to move but she couldn't, her body ached.

"She's safe. She proved to be a very important part of my so called plan." Declan laughed again.

"If... You.. hurt her.." Kuromura was filled with rage.

"That's it Kuromura, show me the wrath." Declan starred into her eyes, she spat into his face. He continued to stare, she noticed his eyes were turning more and more orange. They started to turn into the same colour as the 'Flames' in his mask.

"Fuck.. off." She starred him down.

"You see Kuromura, I discovered something during the war," He stood up and walked over to a table, grabbing a needle and walking back over. "The human mind can be unlocked to 100%, with a special drug I created," He stuck it into her neck and started injecting the liquid, it felt ice cold. "When the human mind is opened to 100% it gains the powers once unknown to mankind. The fascinating thing I found is that, the power you get depends on your personality," Kuromura's mind started spinning over and over. Then it stopped. "The best part is that when the mind is unlocked, it reveals it's soul's deepest, darkest, sins." Kuromura looked down at her thigh, she felt an intense pressure. She noticed that her leg started to grow a tattoo, the word 'WRATH' appeared. "You see, you've just become one of the world's first wrath sins. I'm a greed." He pulled up his sleeve revealing the word 'GREED' tattooed on his wrist.

"What.. is.. this?" Kuromura looked up at Declan, she felt her eyes become hot.

"That's it. You're about to activate your ability." Declan remained crouched in front of her. Kuromura starred him down, her eyes flash purple. She screamed a deathly scream.

"GET AWAY!" She yelled, a force field shot out from her body. Declan went flying into the wall, it cracked under his pressure. Kuromura's breathing was heavy, she tried to catch her breath. Declan stood up.

"Not bad, that will prove very useful in battle." Declan dusted himself off, walking back over to Kuromura.

"What do you.. want with all this?" Kuromura asked.

"Finally! You asked, well I want a hierarchy. The strongest ontop, the weakest on the bottom. It's just the way mankind should work, you saw what it was like during the war. So I created a plan, I call it 'The Tournament of Sin.' you see there are seven continents and there are seven sins. Let's say each continent had a team of their continents strongest people. At some point the seven strongest people in the world would be a different sin, from different continents. For example, let's say you were the world's strongest 'WRATH' sin and you were from Oceania. You would be the captain of that continents team. Your team would have every other sin type, one person for each sin. Once every continent has a team they are forced to battle it out every year in the tournament for a month straight. Whatever team wins the tournament would become the world leader's until the next tournament." Declan clapped his hands with joy.

"You want to hunger games style the world's leaders?" Kuromura was tired and confused.

"Well not exactly but yes. The world would still be the same, we would just be superior beings then before. Every ability for every person is unique, the only difference is that you're put into a category." Declan stood up.

"That's crazy." Kuromura tried to keep her eyes open.

"I'm only doing what I think is best, you see I now happen to be the leader of over half of the world's country's and I'm in charge of 5 continents. Once I take over every last place, my plan will begin." Declan laughed walking back towards the door.

"You're going to leave me here?" Kuromura's eyes started to close.

"Of course not, you're coming with me the whole way. In fact, you'll be in charge of the world's first sin team." Declan walked out of the room, turning the lights off on his way. He slammed the door shut, leaving Kuromura alone in the darkness once again.

 He slammed the door shut, leaving Kuromura alone in the darkness once again

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(^Kuromura Looking at The Burning Camp^)


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