Chapter 3: "This is a popular place."

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Chapter 3: "This is a popular place."

"You managed to catch a punch from Kuromura!?!" Akahaya laughed. "You're stronger then I thought kid."

"Honestly it hurt like a fucking bitch, she can punch fairly well." Rei rubbed his hand and laughed.

"Well good job none the less." Akahaya smiled, the duo walked up to the elevator pressing the button and getting in.

"I honestly don't even know what I did. I guess I'll just have to make it up to her." Rei said quietly.

"Don't take it personally Rei, Kuromura's always been tough. She used to be really nice but once she got to the military she changed." Akahaya said sadly, pressing floor 4 on the buttons. The elevator started rising.

"I mean understandable, she would've been dropped straight into the war. Can you imagine the stuff she's seen?" Rei was scrolling through the entrance exam results on his phone. Akahaya looked over.

"What the hell!?! You can fight and you got 100% on the entrance exams!?!" Akahaya was amazed.

"Keep it down, I don't want others to find that out." Rei blushed.

"There is like no way in hell you exist, you're what everyone wants to be." Akahaya laughed as the doors opened. The hallway of dorms was crowded, teenagers the same age as Rei lined the hall. Trying to find their dorms, their were friend groups, loners and other people just scattered about.

"This is a popular place." Rei laughed.

"Doesn't surprise me it was like this day one, that's what you get for putting 2 strangers in a dorm together first day." Akahaya giggled.

"That's a horrible idea, can you imagine the creeps." Rei said continuing to walk down the hall.

"Don't worry the background checks were done, so creeps ended up by themselves or with other creeps. The whole point was to try and let everyone have a buddy before the first class you know. Most people already know each other, but if they were from different countries and came with no one else such as yourself, they were put with strangers who had the same kind of hobbies." Akahaya explained, reading the numbers on the doors.

"So I'm getting put with some random dude who likes what I like?" Rei asked.

"Oh I forgot to mention, rooms are 1 boy 1 girl. The school has a strict 50/50 gender basis." Akahaya explained.

"So your saying I'm gonna go into a room with some random chick for the next year?" Rei was confused.

"Yep." Akahaya laughed.

"That has to be the worst idea ever made." Rei slapped his forehead, then looked around. He realised every student had been watching what him and Akahaya were doing. They were listening in on their conversation. Girls seemed to be getting their hopes up they would get Rei.

"Well by the looks of it you won't have to worry about not getting along with anyone." Akahaya giggled mischievously.

"I came here to blend in not stand out." Rei explained

"With your skills, you and I both know that was never gonna happen." Akahaya sighed and looked at the door.

"Yeah I suppose." Rei said defeated.

"Here we are!" Akahaya pointed to the dorm.

"216?" Rei asked.

"That's the one, here's your key." Akahaya handed him a key.

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