Chapter 22; New Beginnings

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(1 year after the events of chapter 21)


The snowstorm wreaked havoc across the entire coast of Antarctica, heavily as if god himself was showing the wrath for the sins of the people. The whole world had been cast into a deep war of the people, sinful powers brought out the best and worst in people.

All of those around the globe had seen the events of the trials a year ago, broadcasted live to the world, mostly bringing fear to everyone of what the actual tournament was going to be like.

Those who had been gifted with good powers, or those who knew how to use their powers well knew that they had to enter. They wanted control, a normal human instinct, to be the best.

Society had changed, those who were weak were thrown to the side as if they were mere peasants, and those who were strong were admired and feared.


"Sakuzawa you made it back," Akahaya said calmly, she hadn't changed much in the time they had been gone from Tokyo.

Sakuzawa shut the door to the run-down log cabin behind her roughly, the storm fighting against her as she slammed it shut. She on the other hand had changed a lot, making it her simple and only goal to be stronger. She wanted to save her friends from the hell they were trapped in, not knowing the fate of Tokuma and the rapid mental decline of Rei after the events.

"Only just, it's fucked out there." Sakuzawa wiped the sweat from her forehead. Her physique had changed a lot in the year, she wasn't just some skinny girl anymore. She had put on over 10kgs, and her body had changed from slim, to rather muscular.

"Glad to see you back here!" A rather pretty girl with long brown dyed blonde hair called out to her from the small kitchen table.

"Hana! I missed you," Sakazawa said running over to her with a tight hug. Akahaya and Sakuzawa had escaped Tokyo by only a glimpse, catching one of the last planes to Antarctica, they stumbled upon a homeless girl begging for people to take her in, everyone she knew had been killed in the riots that followed after Declan Fox's announcement of the sins. Sakuzawa took the girl under her wing, bringing her with them on their attempt to escape.

Hana was quite a charismatic girl but certainly enjoyed her time alone to think to herself. Just another character trying to find her way in this new so-called way of life.

"How was training?" Hana asked, trying to pry herself from Sakuzawa's grasp.

"Not bad at all, got a fairly decent run down." Sakuzawa bosted, showing Hana her newly found personal best.

"YOU RAN IN THAT STORM!?" Akahaya runs over from the kitchen, slapping Sakuzawa on the back of the head.

"Ouch! But it was worth it, look at my times!" Sakuzawa exclaimed, rubbing the back of her head on her newly found bruise.

"You dumbass, you could've gotten yourself killed." Akahaya sighed, slapping her forehead and walking back over to the kitchen.

"Well, I'm proud of you bestie!" Hana smiled sweetly, and even Akahaya joined in, Hana's smile was quite contagious.

"Thank you, at least someone's proud of me," Sakuzawa muttered under her breath sarcastically. Akahaya noticing this proceeded to give her a downright horrifying motherly stare.

"You sound like Rei," Akahaya said, returning to the kitchen cooktop to continue with dinner.

Sakuzawa's face dropped, even the mention of his name could change her mood. Noticing this Hana quickly jumped back up from the table, running to her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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