Chapter 10: "Let the show begin."

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Chapter 10: "Let the show begin."

"Cheers, to Mr. Takeshi!" Sakuzawa giggled and the four friends raised their glasses. They had found a small café, they seemed to be the man's first and only customers for the day. The café was nice, it had good vibes and nice décor. It was styled like a 1930's-1950's café, the four friends had found themselves at an old wooden table over in the back corner.

"You know, I didn't think it would be this easy." Rei looked around the table.

"That what would be this easy?" Tokuma asked, a coffee froth mustache appearing on her face after taking a sip.

"Finding people, making friends and having all around fun." Rei smiled, grabbing the napkin and wiping off Tokuma's mustache. She went a bright red and hid her face behind her cup.

"Neither did I, this school was supposed to have the best of the best. Yet I don't feel all that different to anyone else." Sakuzawa smiled, taking a bite of her ham and cheese toasted sandwich.

"Mind you this school does have it's fair share of god complex people." Baisho mumbled, into his cup having a drink.

"Well it's not really god complex and more like," Rei stood up and pretended to be the girl from earlier in the day. "I'm FrOm ClAsS A-2!" Rei tried his best to impersonate the girl. Everyone laughed.

"I think you could pull it off." Sakuzawa said giggling.

"Sure he could, I mean look at that puckered chest." Tokuma pointed at Rei, who was still posing like the girl.

"He just needs the puckered lips now." Baisho mumbled into his cup again.

"You guys are one rowdy bunch now, ain't ye." The old man had walked over to the table.

"Sorry sir, did you need us to quiet down?" Rei finished his coffee.

"No, no, I just wanted to let you guys know it's 8:50pm." He pointed outside. It was pitch black and rain had started pouring down.

"Oh shit, curfew is at 9:00pm!" Tokuma jumped out of her seat.

"Calm ye self down, it's alright. You guys can stay here until the weather dies down, but I will have to close up shop." The old man started to walk towards the bar.

"Wait, what's your name?" Rei asked the man.

"Yoshimura Yoshitomo, and I'm sure as hell too old to be running this café." Yoshi smiled at Rei.

"Here, take a seat. Tell us about yourself." Rei, moved over allowing Yoshi a place to sit. He gladly accepted.

"Well this didn't used to be just some academy's town, it was a part of Tokyo." Yoshi explained.

"Wow really? I thought the academy was built all brand new." Sakuzawa told the table. 

"Well the school itself yes, but the government just took over this spot of Tokyo. Sad part is, this café is a part of my families legacy, it's been here for generations. I've been running shop all my life. I would really love to go see the world." Yoshi smiled.

"What if I bought the café off you?" Rei asked genuinely. The table went silent shocked.

"As much as I'd love that, it's a family legacy like I said." Yoshi had a glimmer of hope, shine in his eyes.

"Ok, I'll buy it for just this year. I'll Finnish my schooling and you can buy it back from me for $1." Rei smiled.

"Well, if you can fork up the money. I'd be happy to." Yoshi didn't believe Rei for a second, this kid can't just buy a café... can he?

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