Chapter 16: "A twilight, a kiss and a beginning."

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The earth of the flames brought Kuromura from her slumber, opening her eyes she noticed that there was a little shelter that had been made over her head. Looking through the makeshift sheet hanging over the front of the shelter like a door, Kuromura could see Rei staring into the flames of the fire. She looked down seeing he used his jacket and shirt to keep her comfortable and safe. She climbed out of the shelter and sat next to Rei.

"Hey.." Kuromura looked over at Rei, he was still half-zoned out.

"Morning. Sleep well?" Rei looked towards her and smiled.

"Yes, Thankyou. You know, for keeping me safe." Kuromura rested her hand on his shoulder.

"No worries, you'd have done the same for me." He stared back into the flames. The sunny sky sitting above them.

"Is he planning to kill us?" After a few moments of silence, Kuromura spoke.

"Probably not, he's testing us. But if we die, we're not useful," Rei looked over at her "thought you would've understood him by now."

"Not really, you'd know him better than me." She stood up.

"Well, you're going to learn quickly." Rei stood up as well.

"So what do we need?" Kuromura smiled, picking up her energy.

"Well, probably going to be best if we gather some supplies. By my estimation, we're gonna be in here for a while." Rei took out a notepad and pen from the supply bag.

"Water source, food source." Kuromura started listing and Rei wrote them down.

"He's going to use the night against us, and he's listening to our every move. So don't speak important stuff." Rei chuckled and continued writing. Kuromura came and stood next to him reading


-food source

-water source







-proper sleeping arrangements

"I'll work on the living stuff, you work on the base?" Kuromura asked.

"That works for me." Rei picked up an axe from the bag and walked over to some nearby trees. So Kuromura walked the opposite way, searching for water and food.

(A few hours later)

A scurry, a twig breaking and a few short breaths were all that could be heard. A single bunny trapped in the sights of Kuromura. Quickly she throws her knife stabbing the bunny. Killing it quickly she throws it into her bag.

"That's enough for now," Kuromura says to herself. She must've been at least 4km away from where Rei set up their camp. She found a river not far from the camp, a freshwater supply. Having killed three white-haired bunnies and a forest raven. She had enough food for Rei and her to make it through the night.

"I thought you two would've given up by now." A crackle of Declan's voice echoed through the forest.

"Fuck you Declan." Kuromura smiled knowing that Rei probably said the same thing.

"I'd be a bit nicer if I were you two, after all, I control your environment." Declan's laughter gave Kuromura chills.

"Declan?" Kuromura tried to get his attention.

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