Chapter 6: The War of White's and Black's

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Chapter 6: The War of White's and Black's.

December 4th, 2026. A young and innocent Kuromura, sits in a plane seat. Her red, white and gold uniform blends in with the crowd of soldiers around her. An even more innocent and small Misuchi sits next to her playing on a Nintendo Switch.

"They actually let you bring it?" Kuromura laughs pointing at the console.

"Yeah, but I have to get rid of it the moment we touch down." Misuchi turned back down to her Nintendo switch.

"Do you think it's going to be as bad as they said?" Kuromura looks around at the other soldiers. They all sat around, hiding their emotions from one another. She wonders if they were as conflicted as she was.

"It's a war Kuromura. Of course it's going to be as bad." Misuchi showed no compassion, it was different from her normal self.

"You're just as frightened as I am aren't you?" Kuromura looked into her best friends eyes, the divide in their class didn't matter to her. Kuromura was from a high standing political family, a top of class student and had dropped out of school once the war had started. Misuchi on the other hand came from a rough family below the poverty line, Misuchi was an average student who had been selected to join the war. Kuromura had tried to stop the hierarchy at their school, banding everyone together so there was no divide. She liked the idea the Australian's had implied. They got rid of all political power and put everything down to a vote, that way everyone was equal in life. If someone had an issue they could start a vote to see what the outcome would be. No one thought it would work but it somehow did. They implied the rule in 2022.

"Of course I am Kuromura! I'm not ready for a war." Misuchi started to tear up, Kuromura wrapped her arms around her tightly.

"I'm not either. But this isn't about us, we need to pull it together and save the innocent people's lives that are at stake." Kuromura pulled herself together, she needed to put on this charade of hope like she had done at school.

"Passing over Australia's capital city, Canberra. 10 minutes until landing." The pilots voice echoed over the speaker. Kuromura looked out the window, there were so many flames. Burnt buildings, riots everywhere. Dead bodies lined the streets, fights breaking out. It was horrifying.

This is war. Kuromura thought to herself, the sudden realisation had hit her.

"We can do this. Especially if you're here to charge the way Kuromura!" Misuchi smiled, she had returned to her usual cheerful self. Kuromura's charade of hope was working.

(Landing Bay)

The plane landed roughly, the tires squeaking underneath it as it halted to a stop. Kuromura and Misuchi unbuckled themselves, they were the lowest ranking officers on the plane. Both of them had only just graduated from training meaning they were only Private's.

"Private's! Over here!" A voice of another soldier rang over to them, the person was signalling for them to help carry the gear off the plane. Both Kuromura and Misuchi sprinted over, helping move the equipment.

"This stuff isn't light!" Misuchi's small figure could only just lift the gear, the other soldiers laughed and kept to their duties. Kuromura followed behind one of the soldiers carrying gear.

"Medical supplies over there," the soldier pointed at the hospital tent. "Guns and ammo over there," he pointed at what appeared to be a gun shop. "Food in there." He pointed at the canteen tent and slapped Kuromura on the back.

"Yes sir!" She bowed and started carrying the gear to its tent. She looked around at the other soldiers, they were all older then her and had much higher rankings. Misuchi and her must have been the only people her age crazy enough to enter this hell hole.

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