Chapter 8: "You don't know anything."

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Chapter 8: "You don't know anything."

Kuromura sat at her desk, it was organised and had papers in a stack on the left side. Kuromura looked at the papers with disgust, she sighed before looking over to Misuchi.

"Hey Misuchi?" Kuromura asked for her attention, Misuchi looked up from her game boy.

"Yeah?" Misuchi asked.

"How are you feeling? You know, after your first class?" Kuromura smiled.

"Good, really good. I like our class." Misuchi sat upright and smiled.

"I'm glad." Kuromura looked back down at her papers.

"You know, you don't have to do those." Misuchi rolled her chair over to Kuromura's desk.

"Yeah I do, they want the report done by 9:00pm." Kuromura rolled her eyes.

"I could do them." Misuchi took out a pen from behind her ear.

"No, I've got it." Kuromura pushed Misuchi's chair back to her desk with a giggle.

"Seriously, go find something fun to do. I don't mind writing reports of today's class." Misuchi rolled back over, pushing Kuromura's chair towards the door of their office.

"Are you sure about this?" Kuromura asked politely.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you'll need as much rest as possible before the meeting tonight." Misuchi looked down towards the papers and pulled one out, sitting it on the desk.

"I guess you're right." Kuromura stood up, grabbing her backpack off the floor.

"Now go, find a nice cafe or something." Misuchi shoed her away with her hand.

"Thankyou, love you loads." Kuromura smiled and opened the door.

"Love you too, goof ball." The pair giggled as Kuromura shut the door.

(Rei's View)

"Oh my goooooooooddddd!" Tokuma's exaggerated words came from the ground next to Rei. The four friends had found a nice shaded part of grass to lay on after their classes.

"What are you complaining about now?" Rei asked with a giggle.

"It's so bloody hot." Tokuma said looking over at Rei, fanning her face with her hand.

"They expect us to willingly wear these blazers all day, they're crazy." Sakuzawa called over to Rei and Tokuma from a tree she'd found a seat on. She sat at the bottom with her back against the tree.

"I see you've already taken a hating to yours." Rei said pointing over at her blazer on the ground.

"Why wouldn't she? It's black and it's like 25 degrees right now." Baisho said, from a branch in the tree not to far from the ground.

"God Rei, why are we crazy enough to still wear ours?" Tokuma pretended to faint.

"Pretty sure she wants you to give her cpr." Sakuzawa giggled.

"Exaggeration on the mouth to mouth part." Baisho called out, Tokuma went a bright shade of red. The group fell into a laughing fit.

"What's so funny here, you four?" Akahaya appeared in front of Rei.

"Hey Akahaya, what did you need?" Rei asked, standing up from the ground.

"It's Miss Usu to you Rei." Akahaya slapped her forehead with disappointment.

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