Chapter 19; "The Ceremony."

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The crowded courtyard was overwhelming, trying to fit so many people in such a small space just seemed impossible. Rei, Yamane, Tokuma, and Iwata stood together at the front of it all.

"What's with everyone staring at me?" Rei whispered into Yamane's ear.

"After the broadcast, you've become quite a big name. Everyone seems to think you've got some important role to play." She whispered back.

"Either that or I look really good." Rei smiled sarcastically, collecting a little punch on the shoulder from Yamane with his comments.

"Hey you guys, mind if I join you?" Kyousuke the guy from the canteen, had waltzed his way in front of the group.

"No of course not, join us," Yamane smiled, moving over to make space between herself and Iwata.

"Thank you, it's not easy to make friends in a place like this." Kyousuke smiled, making his way in between them.

"You got any idea what this is about?" Tokuma asked Kyouske.

"Nope, it beats me." He replied.

"If I had to guess, it's time for selection," Rei said, his tone had changed from his usual self, dark, cold, and distant. It struck a small sense of fear into the group.

"What do you mean Rei?" Iwata asked.

"He means that there's 1,000 or so people here, but only 45 of us are making it. They let us train and live here long enough." Yamane looked up at Rei, he nodded his approval.

"She's right, and knowing Declan it's not gonna be pretty." Rei looked around, the people surrounding them all wore smiles and glee, not knowing what they were walking themselves into.

"Oh shit," Kyousuke replied.

"Attention. The ceremony of sins starts in 5 minutes." Kuromura's voice echoed throughout the courtyard, silence started following.

"Rei, what's going to happen?" Yamane whispered to him, so as not to worry the others.

"Nothing good," Rei whispered back looking down at her, his eyes didn't shine their sparkle as usual, almost as if even he had lost hope.


The main stage in front of them suddenly lit up, and the crowd now as silent as the dead mouse, found their eyes gazing towards the center of the stage. Kuromura slowly began walking towards the stage, her stomach seemed larger than usual, and only Rei and Yamane seemed to pick up that fact.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you, Declan Fox, the king of sins." Kuromura sounded controlled, lost in an avast stage of grief. Slowly Declan made his way onto the stage, his presence could strike fear in even the toughest of soldiers.

"Hello boys and girls, I've called you here today to announce that starting tomorrow, we shall begin the trial process for the tournament of sin. Now I know that may be scary, but that is why you're here," He looked out towards the crowd his eyes searching for his darkest opponent.

Rei stared deeply into the mask of the man who had killed his entire family and tortured him for countless days on end. The pair locked eyes, Rei refused to look away, and neither did Declan.

"Now this process will be a lengthy one, but it is what is needed. You will need a team of seven to enter the trials, with your strongest being the leader. Within the trials, teams will fight 7v7 until there is only one team standing. Any rules, any weapons, and any strategies allowed." Declan said, a maniacal smile forming on his face beneath the mask.

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