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"Your parents are lying to you."



"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means what it means." He said through gritted teeth.


"You seriously don't have any idea on why he was yelling for your name?" Was he talking about Uncle Dowon, you slowly shook your head.

"Forget it then." Yoongi said with a tight smile. What? How am I just supposed to just forget about something like this?

Before you could even open your mouth Yoongi gets up and leaves you dumbfounded. Are you serious?!


It was time, it was finally time to tell your two best friends the big news. The big news as in your vision, the vision as in who your soulmate is, the soulmate as in you finally found him.

You walked into only to see Soyoung who was doodling on a piece of paper. "Where's Yunah?"

"She's probably in her room, why?" Soyoung asks, still writing random stuff on the paper.

"I have some big news to tell you guys, but I need all of us together." You left the room to begin your journey all the way to Yunah's room. It's not that her room was far, it was that you had anxiety rushing through your entire body and was dead scared and excited to tell them.

You placed you hand on the door knob and walked in. Instantly you regretted walking in. "I'm sorry!" You cover your eyes and walk the other direction out the door terrified of what you had just walked into.

"Wait Y/n!" You come to a halt when Yunah calls back for you. Slowly turning around to see a flushed Yunah with messy hair.

"You can't tell anyone." She whispered in a low voice.

"Don't tell anyone about the fact you and Jin were making out?!" You whisper shouted and to get shushed by her.

"Please, you can't" you gulped lowly and nodded your head and slowly turned around to leave. You heard Yunah return to her room with 'click', you guessed she actually made sure to lock her door this time.

As soon as you enter the room your met with big puppy dog eyes. "What's with your face?" Soyoung scoffed at insult and stopped the face she was making.

"Can you please get a me glass of water?" You groaned, now you had to walk all the way downstairs? Who knows who could be lurking down their.

But nether-less you turned back around to go retrieve a glass of water for Soyoung. You jogged downstairs and stopped as soon as you got to the end of the stairs. You made sure you heard no voices then continued to stride your way to the kitchen.

You were a minimum of 9 steps away from entering the kitchen when all of a sudden your were pulled from behind and slammed into a wall. "Ow, what is your problem?" You asked blinking a couple of times to get your vision back.

Soon it came back and you were faced with a familiar set of brown eyes. "Sorry, I couldn't wait for you to come downstairs." You raised an eyebrow at him.

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