The Fight(fixed)

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Error was on the floor of the Antivoid , he had a few broken bones and blood dripping on the white floor slowly forming a red pool

KM: "Hahaha I warned you Glitch , you should always listen and do what your King says or I might not be so mercyful the next time" Error just spit blood on his face making the other recoil in disgust

Error: "I will never recognize you as my King you psycho"

KM:"Ugh disgusting , I really don't understand what 404 saw in you but it doesn't matter now that he has a new sucessor , I can do what I want with you now and let this be my final warning for you Glitch" he cleaned his face from Error's blood and prepared to knock him out

KM:"Until next time , I really hope you mess up so I can kill you" he smiled sadisticaly and brought the final blow on the other skull

And with that everything went black for Error , he laid passed out for who knows how long until his phone ringing started to wake him up

*Riiiiinnngggg riiiiinnngggg*



Error:*twich*.....*twich* ughnn...

*Riiiiinnngggg riiiiinnngggg*

Error:"OKAY okay I'm getting up ugh"

Error sat up , a bit slowly because of his injuries and the ringing of the phone was really starting to annoy him , so he got the phone from his pocket , the thing was still fine by miracle after all the battles he forgot to put it in his inventory space , anyway Error saw it was a call from Nightmare , he didn't saw him and the gang in a while after the multiversal war

Error:"hello? Nightmare?"

Nightmare:"...hi Error"

Error:"It's been a while we saw each other , what's up?"

Nightmare:"I kinda need your help right now , could you come here at the Castle please?"

Now Error began to worry , Nightmare wasn't the type to ask for help and to say please , plus the fact that his voice sounded hurt on the phone

Error:"And your idiots can't help you? I kinda got out of a fight , that I obviously won by the way , and I'm resting" he lied , he was too embarassed to say he got his ass handed to him to his closest friend , he couldn't handle the teasing right now

Nightmare:"Fine! You don't have to anyway" he grumbled before hanging up

After Nightmare's outburst Error got lost in thought , Did he miss something in the time he didn't visit? And since when Nightmare gave up so easily when he wanted something? He espected more screams and demands to come already... Nevermind , something isn't right and he guessed he could check up on Nightmare now , so he got up , still hurt and everything , and opened a portal to Nightmare's Castle

Not everything gone wrong leads to bad (Hiatus)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum