A big problem(fixed)

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Miseria and Shiva faced Ccino and decided the first thing to do was introducing each other

Miseria:"Sorry about my friend's manners , my name is Miseria"

Shiva:"Don't listen to this idiot , I'm Shiva , nice to meet you"

Ccino:"Oh- right where are my manners , I'm Ccino , thanks again for helping me"

Shiva:"Well , we're still new here , maybe you could gave us a tour around" Ccino beamed

Ccino:"It would be a pleasure , I actually own a coffee shop near here , I just need to put the groceries away , in the meantime you could enjoy something from my shop" Shiva liked the idea of getting chocolate sweets

Miseria:"sounds good , let us place our groceries at our home too and we can go , don't worry about waiting , we live near too"

Ccino nodded and waited until they returned and began to lead them at his shop , like Ccino said the two were enjoying some hot drinks and sweets with Ccino trying to start a conversation

Ccino:"Sooo how long have you lived here ? Shiva said you were new around here"

Miseria:"At least two weeks"

Shiva:"your hot chocolate is delicious"

Shiva was lost in the bliss of the chocolate , Ccino chuckled

Ccino:"thanks , anyway have you two checked the surroundings before?"

Miseria:"When we searched where to live yes , but we don't remember much of it"

Ccino:"Oh , you mentioned you lived nearby maybe we could hang out , where do you two live?"

Shiva:"This saint-wanna-be next to me decided it was a good idea to live in the old church" he pointed to Miseria

Miseria:"Oh shush , you like the place too" he playfully shoved his friend making the other snort , Ccino perked up

Ccino:"Really!? That's awesome"

The other two raised a brow in curiosity at Ccino's enthusiasm , Ccino noticed

Ccino:"Oh-sorry about that , it's just it could really help out"

Miseria:"may I ask why?"

Ccino:"In reality I shouldn't talk about it but if you two live there I think it's better you know about it" Shiva narrowed his eyes in suspicion

Shiva:"don't tell me there's something wrong around here?"

Ccino:"You see the Omega timeline it's still working on fixing itself after the war and many lost home and family , the old church gave shelter to those who are homeless or orphans , and mostly gave a bit of hope to people , many didn't make it after the war and the mood since then it's been down , we couldn't even bury every dead properly , so many are still sad and angry about that"

Ccino:"but nobody was in charge of that place anymore after the peace-treaty"

Miseria:'So that's why I felt so much negativity around' he thought

Miseria:"I understand now , thanks for telling us"

Ccino:"no problem"

Shiva:"Are there people we should be cautious with?"

Shiva knew what this meant and enemies were bound to show up sooner or later

Ccino:"normally Omega is a safe place but after the war we lost many guards and people from darker Au's that lived here took the opportunity to try and take control , there are a few gangs here and there"

Shiva:"and that's why you almost got mugged" he wasn't amused at the news

Ccino nodded

Shiva: 'Dammit Mise I know you will get us in even more problems' he mentally cursed Miseria

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