A Brother's cry (fixed)

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Dream didn't want to leave the bed , he hoped that all of this was just a bad dream and that his brother was alive and would yell at him like always , the others were in his living room , worried about him not leaving his bedroom for days , he didn't need to eat or sleep (if he wasn't dreamwalking) like a normal monster , he was made to always guard the Tree of Feelings so those needs were unnecessary and it made him able to stay in his bed forever if he wanted to , he knew the others were worried but he really didn't want to see anyone at the moment , their pitying gazes were enough to spark his anger , why why Why WHY did he have to die? It's not fair , he worked so hard to try fix their relationship , to be forgiven and to convince Nightmare in being his brother again , to be on the good side with him but now it was impossible , it's not FAIR , and now he couldn't help but feel guilty , it was his fault wasn't it? He surely made a mistake that made Nightmare snap and now he's gone , if he was still here he would have started from zero and done everything Nightmare wanted to make him forgive him , he really messed up

The others in Dream's living room were waiting anxiously for any signs of Dream wanting to leave the room or to talk with them , Blue sighed

Blue:"I'm worried , it's the first time that he closed himself in his room for so long , usually if something upset him we could make him feel better in a day or so , it's the first time too that he locked his door" he was stress-cooking in the kitchen , hoping for Dream to eat a bit from what he made

Ink:"He lost his brother , I don't think he's just upset" he didn't mean to sound so cold but if he took his vials now he would be affected too and they didn't need anymore worries , the others understood it so he wasn't scolded , Dust nodded

Dust:"I agree , Nightmare was an asshole but anyone would have been heartbroken if their brother died , especially us Sanses" he gripped his scarf tightly

Killer:"that's not all , Sanses with Au's have the reset but for us outcodes it's just one life and then game over" he scoffed , it was something that every outcode knew and feared , they don't have a reset or Au so they couldn't come back to life anymore , Dream didn't even have a reset in the first place in Dreamtale , and they have to deal with it , it didn't mean it wasn't hard thou

Cross:"don't forget about the Apple incident , Dream was already traumatized enough by it and now it's even worse" being the closest to Dream he was the most worried for Dream's well-being

Horror:"Because there's no way to fix anything if it's dead" he already saw many in his Au dying without a reset for years and he always had the fear that it could be him or his brother next , he wasn't really close to Dream but he understood the situation and pitied him

Ink:"don't you think it's strange that Nightmare would do a double suicide thou? and with the destroyer no less" Killer snorted

Killer:"Oh man you don't know anything about their relationship, it was pretty obvious for us that they had a thing for each other" Dust chuckled

Dust:"Yeah Error's crush was so obvious" Blue returned from the kitchen to add

Blue:"The few times me and Error talked he would mention Nightmare at least once"

Cross:"but Nightmare never showed much so we think Error would be more likely friend-zoned" he chuckled

Horror:"don't let him fool you , Nightmare isn't one to show positive emotions in general so you could be wrong"

Ink:"Well if they died together then they at least cared about each other"

Blue:"Yeah I hope they're happy wherever they are"


Not everything gone wrong leads to bad (Hiatus)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum