Apple pie(fixed)

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The next day Shiva woke up last , not seeing Miseria next to him he decided to go to the kitchen , when he got there he found Miseria seated at the table sipping on his morning coffee with an Apple pie near him , Shiva thought it was probably breakfast so he took a seat and took a slice of the pie

Shiva:"Good morning"

Miseria:"Good morning Shiva"

Shiva took a bite of the pie and was immediately in bliss

Shiva:"Mhmn~ , where did you find this ? it's so good" Miseria chuckled

Miseria:"I made it"

Shiva chocked at the information

Shiva:"*cough**cough* what?"

Miseria gave him a glass of water

Miseria:"be more careful when you eat , and yes I made it , what about it?"

Shiva took the water greedily and coughed one last time

Shiva:*cough* nothing , just surprised you could cook something so good"

Miseria was unamused

Miseria:"Well normally I don't cook as I don't need to eat as much as a normal monster , and Apple pie is the one of the few things that I can make"

Shiva:"I see"

Then Shiva noticed something

Shiva:"Are you not eating now?"

Miseria:"No , I just thought I could make you breakfast as you helped me sleep" Shiva scoffed

Shiva:"What are you saying , we helped each other you don't need to do things like this for me"

Miseria:"I don't mind doing it if it's for you and the pie it's nothing special , it's just something me and Dream enjoyed making when we were young , it was our favorite food too but after the incident I don't think either of us sees Apple related things the same , by the way we need to go to the store , we have almost nothing to eat or for personal necessities"

Shiva:"if you say so Mise" he blushed for the sweet gesture but was also concerned about the other

Miseria's tone was calm but if you knew him well enough you could see the meloncholy and nostalgia behind it , Shiva couldn't help but feel sad for his friend , Miseria probably noticed but didn't say anything about it

Miseria:"What do you think about coming with me at the store?" Shiva frowned

Shiva:"Are you sure it's a good idea? I'm not the best with crowds or people in general"he sweatdropped just at the thought of it but Miseria didn't share his worries

Miseria:"Yes I'm sure , you need to overcome this problem if we want to stay here" Shiva gave up

Shiva:"okay you win"

Miseria:"good , we will go later"

What Miseria didn't know was that Shiva was planning a surprise for him to cheer him up

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