Shiva is being a grumpy territorial cat (fixed)

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The next day Miseria was searching for Shiva everywhere but wasn't having any luck , at the same time Shiva started laughing at Miseria's predicament where he was seated on the ceiling of the church , Miseria eventually heard his laugh and looked up raising a brow in curiousity

Miseria:"Why are you on the ceiling?"

Shiva:"because I can and because I wanted to" Miseria was not amused at his childish response

Miseria:"How did you manage to make that web anyway?" Shiva grinned

Shiva:"believe me it wasn't easy but I managed to connect the threads with the church's pillars , a good decoration and useful for sneak attacks don't you think?" he was pretty proud of his good work

Miseria:"Well.. I guess it is , now that you had your fun , will you get down?" Shiva hissed at him

Shiva:"NEVER , it's my napping spot now" he happily layed down on his web and began to nap , Miseria sighed  and didn't say anything else , he couldn't argue with the other when he acted so stubborn , technically he could but it almost always ends up with someone most likely dying and he wasn't talking about themselves , they couldn't really hurt each other seriously , they cared too much about the other for that

While Miseria was rethinking about his life someone knocked at the door , that woke up Shiva and they prepared themselves in case of an attack

Miseria goes to open the door , at the other side was an Altertale native , the Sans , Miseria raised a brow in curiosity at the other appearance

Miseria:"Yes? How may I help you?"

Alter:"Greetings , I heard the church had new onwers and I'm here to ask for a favor" Miseria internally smirked

Miseria: 'I guess I'm already back to business huh?'

Miseria:"Of course , please come inside" he opened the door for their guest

Alter:"Thank you-Oh" he noticed Shiva glaring at him from above , Miseria spoke before anything bad happened

Miseria:"Don't mind him he isn't used to people , rough past and ecc , I saved the poor thing some years ago but he still doesn't trust easily"

Alter pitied Shiva , believing Miseria's words easily even with Shiva directly death glaring him , that's because Miseria used a bit of his aura to make them seem pitiful and therefore harmless

Alter:"Oh poor darling , I'm sorry to hear that" Shiva hissed at him and returned to ignore the other

Miseria:"Why don't we go in the kitchen to have a bit more privacy , it will calm Shiva down"


While they were leaving Shiva got pretty offended to be considered and called a "poor thing" , he's not a stray cat dammit , even if Miseria's badly made up excuse was partly true , he wasn't a weak thing people pitied on , he was the destroyer for God's sake , so Shiva decided to nap to forget his anger

Shiva: 'He will see if I help him if something goes wrong , so he will learn to not call me a poor thing'

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