Miseria's feelings and a touching moment between friends (fixed)

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After Alter left , Shiva arrived in the kitchen

Shiva:"I saw that Altertale Sans pratically run away in joy , usually in a meeting with you they run away in fear , what did you do?" he narrowed his eyes in suspicion at the other , Miseria calmly replied

Miseria:"We will shelter children" Shiva shrieked a "What!?" that got Miseria to cover where his ears would have been if he had any

Miseria:"Calm down it's not so bad" Shiva didn't care about calming down

Shiva:"Not so bad!?NOT SO BAD!? I don't want to babysit children , and I'm sure as hell not going to be forced into it" Miseria sighed

Miseria:"Come on , you can't do this every time I do something for my plans" Shiva glared at him

Shiva:"You and your stupid plans can go to hell , I didn't agree to this , I planned a peacefull life but then your megalomaniac self got me into this mess , can I at least know what do you want to do now?"

Miseria:"I plan on making an army with those children and they will be only loyal to us , we will use a saint facade and when everything is under our control my brother and the traidors will regret ever thinking about betrayng me , they will never expect a blow behind their backs" Shiva calmed down after a moment and sighing took a seat next to him

Shiva:'I should have known he didn't forgive or forget what happened'

Shiva:"Mise you shouldn't think about what they did to you anymore" he tried to say the calmest he could

Miseria calm facade faltered a bit at Shiva's words but otherwise didn't change much

Miseria:"I know but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad at them"

Shiva:"revenge will lead to nothing but hurt , we started all this to live a new life so you should try to gave up on the past" Miseria was slowly breaking down

Miseria:"Don't make fun of me but I-I'm a bit scared , after they left I was so alone and I hated it , it felt like I was still a kid waiting and hoping for Dream or anyone to save me" he let out a bitter laugh

Miseria:"heh funny right? The king of fears is so weak without anyone" Shiva took an hold of his hand to reassure him

Shiva:"I will be on your side from now on so you don't need to hide anything from me and I will always help you"  he smiled softly at the other and reassured him , Miseria smiled back

Miseria:"Anyway what's that?" he pointed at a package on the table that Shiva put there , Shiva perked up and grinned

Shiva:"now that you mention it , it's the perfect time to gave it to you to cheer you up" he began to open the package and gave what was inside to Miseria , the other raised a brow in confusion

Miseria:"An Apple pie?" Shiva chuckled at his confusion

Shiva:"yeah I made it for you"

Miseria then looked from the pie to Shiva still confused

Miseria:"and why would you do this? It isn't any special occasion or my birthday yet and why an Apple pie?"

Shiva still with a grin replied

Shiva:"Well I remembered what you said when you made me that Apple pie for breakfast so I decided to change the meaning of the pie and at the same time repay the favor" Miseria was now smiling amusement

Miseria:"And what would be the meaning of this pie?" he chuckled

Shiva:"It is a proof of our friendship but don't tell anyone I said that , anyway I will gave you Apple pie every time you are sad so I can cheer you up or simply to let you know I'm here and I care about you" he smiled brightly at Miseria

Miseria wouldn't admit it out loud but he was touched by Shiva's words , now he doesn't feel as sad as before and the pie was a really nice gesture from someone like Shiva , so he took a fork and began to eat a bit of the pie , of course sharing it with his friend made it taste even better

Not everything gone wrong leads to bad (Hiatus)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora