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In Outertale the day Nightmare and Error "died"

Error opened a portal to Outertale , on his favorite cliff where Nightmare was waiting for him , Error got through the portal and onto the land filled grass of the cliff and began to approach Nightmare

Nightmare:"You're here"

Nightmare turned around from where he was seated on the cliff to look at the other , Error nodded


Error mumbled , Nightmare noticed the other aura changing and stood up to approach him

Nightmare:"Hey are you okay? You seem hesitant"

Error:"yeah , I'm just scared I think"

Nightmare:"I can feel that but why? I think your plan is good enough for us"

Error took a deep breath , he didn't want to look weak but he couldn't help but feel scared , what they would do could have pretty bad consequences

Error:"I know but I can't help thinking about the 'What if's' , what if they find us? what will they do to us? or what do we do if it works but something goes wrong later and we don't know what to do?"

Nightmare grabbed Error's shoulders making him look at him

Nightmare:"I'm scared too Error" Error's eyes widened in surprise

Error:"you- are?" Nightmare nodded

Nightmare:"yes , but it's also true that we don't have anything else to lose , so what if it doesn't work? At least we tried our best"

Error took another deep breath to calm himself down and take determined look on his face

Error:"you're right , sorry" Nightmare smiled softly at him

Nightmare:"don't be , so what now?"

Error:"I guess we can take Core's offer"

Nightmare:"What offer?"

Error:"A long time ago Core offered me a place in the Omega timeline , I bet they wouldn't mind I take a plus one" Nightmare chuckled

Nightmare:"Yeah but what about the others? we aren't exactly loved by the people we destroyed their home" Error smirked

Error:"Easy , we go in disguise"Nightmare deadpanned at him

Nightmare:"And how do you think you could hide my goop or your black bones and tearmarks?"he raised a brow, honestly curious of the answer

Error:"It's not the first time I use a disguise , I can glich my form to that of a Geno and I can probably hide my Error signs and glichs and change the look of my tearmark too"

Nightmare:"And what about me?"Error had an idea for that

Error:"What do you think about using an host?" Nightmare was confused

Nightmare:"An host?"

Error:"Yeah , I can make you a fake skeleton body that you could control from the inside , you can use your magic to move the body around and you can disguise as the body soul , you can get smaller right?"Nightmare was impressed by the idea , he never thought of that and grinned

Nightmare:"I like it" Error smiled proudly

Error:"good , then I will get to work"

The two left two piles of dust from a genocide timeline on the cliff and left their clothes there , they even left a note to make it seem like a suicide because if the others started to search their murderer they wouldn't have found anyone and would have started to suspect , Error didn't have much to write but Nightmare had fun writing something that would make Dream and the traidors drown in guilt , basically his "technically" last 'Fuck you' as Nightmare

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