Gods are assholes(fixed)

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Nightmare:"Sooo mind telling me why you're covered in blood?" Error nerviously answered trying to not embarass himself

Error:"I told you on the phone , I was in a fight and I obviously won HAH , the wounds you're seeing is from the battle but you should have seen the anomaly HAHaha..ha.." Nightmare could tell he was lying judging by the other nervousness but didn't know on what , he wasn't a mind reader okay!? but he was curious so he used an effective method to get the truth out of the other , pain... but with affection

Nightmare:"hu huh? Interesting" he faked showing interest

Error:"yep" he inwardly sighed in relief but it was short lived

Nightmare:"Say Error... you wouldn't mind getting a big bone crushing hug from your old friend right? After all I missed you so much" Error sweatdropped

Error:'...Uh Oh'

Error:"NO- uh I mean no thank you , you will be covered in blood too"

Nightmare:"I'm already dealing with my goop every day and the blood would just get absorbed" he shrugged off the other concern

Nightmare was coming closer each second

Error:'Why is he doing this? What did I do to make him angry? Oh god this will hurt'

Error:"Night I'm still hurt remember?  maybe next time?" too late Nightmare was already putting pressure on his broken ribs , Nightmare smirked sadisticaly

Error:"Ugh"he groaned in pain , Nightmare frowned

Nightmare:"That's what you get for lying , I'm already fed up with others bullshit today so you better not be hiding something from me too" he grimance while looking at Error's face


Nightmare raised a brow and let him have some space



Nightmare: "I can't hear you~"Error sighed

Error: "...fine , that stupid King-wanna-be beat me up after I refused to recognize him as my superior" he looked away afraid of Nightmare's reaction

Nightmare twiched at that information , probably from anger , so he took a deep breath to calm down before he snapped a second time that day , probably would try snap some royalty-wanna-be neck later , and that was a dumb idea seeing he would easily get killed but it's hard to think when enraged

Nightmare:"... Didn't you have 404's protection?" Error looked at him and frowned

Error:"you know he doesn't intervene unless he needs to , usually he sees if I get stronger before saving my ass , sometimes not even that"

Nightmare:"So he didn't help you?" he checked one last time to be sure, he was lucky he wasn't human or he would have already died of hight blood pressure with how angry he is at the moment , Error shook his head

Error:"No , at least not anymore now that he has a new student , someone better than me and closer to his espectations , I'm useless now so he doesn't care if I die , and KM is having fun trying to force me to serve him"

Nightmare almost growled out loud but he held it in to comfort his friend

Nightmare:"he's an asshole , you are much better than any of them" Error smiled at his friend's tries to make him feel better, he could tell the other was angry on his behalf

Error:"heh thanks...welp I'm on my own now"

Nightmare:"We are on our own together"

Error:"yeah , together" they smiled at each other

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