Aftermath of their death part 2(fixed)

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Meanwhile in the deepest part of the Antivoid , a skeleton half black and half white with a little gold crown was laughing in front of a viewing portal looking at Dream's breakdown

KM: "Hahaha hahaha , I can't believe that glich preferred to fucking die than to have the honor to serve me , don't you think so too 404?"

There was another skeleton near where KM was seated , Error404 was doing something with codes , probably working , but when KM called him he turned to look at the viewing portal for a moment and turned around again to the codes uninterested on the matters of others

404:"This isn't of my concern and you know it" KM chuckled

KM:"Oh come on , he was your favorite some time ago , I wanted to see you hurt at least a bit" Error404 scoffed

404:"if he died to escape you then lucky for him but for me that just means he was weaker than I thought , I lost precious time trying to make him stronger and look how it ended , he could have put more of a fight , I'm disappointed"

KM:"Boo you're no fun , I thought you two were close , anyway ouch for glichy" Error404 glared at him

404:"if you're finished then I need to continue working"

KM:"bah it's all work with you , booriinng..."

In the Omega timeline

Core:"Welcome to the Omega timeline , I'm happy to see you finally took my offer "

???1:"Sorry for the trouble , we promise we won't cause problems to others" his companion nodded in agreement

???2:"nice to meet you"

Core:"that's good to hear , anyway what should I call you?"

Shiva:"you can call me Shiva and he is Miseria , Mise for short" Core nodded

Core:"Now that's settled , how about I show you possible living arrangements?"

Miseria:"that would be helpfull , thank you"

Core:"It's no problem , it's my job after all"

Shiva:"Well , then lead the way I guess"

The three visited every free house , but nothing had what the two wanted , until they stopped to take a break

Miseria:"Hey Core , what about this place?"

Core:"Oh well , it was an old church but now it's abandoned , are you interested in it?" Shiva pulled Miseria aside

Shiva:"I don't know if it's a good idea Mise"

Miseria:"Trust me , a tour can't hurt us right?" Shiva sighed

Shiva:"Okay" he released the other and Miseria turned around to talk to Core

Miseria:"We would like to check it out Core"

Core:"okay , follow me"

The two followed Core , the church was a good size , and surely it didn't lack rooms , the kitchen and bathrooms were big as well , it even had a library

Core:"So , what do you two think?"Shiva pulled on Miseria again to talk to him

Shiva:"what are you planning?"

Miseria:"Don't worry , okay? I have an idea" Shiva groaned

Shiva:"I already know how this will end , don't make me regret it"he glared at him

Miseria:"you like this place too , admit it" he smirked , Shiva blushed and stuttered out

Shiva:"It's not- my fault I like big spaces , and you like this place just because it will make you feel important like your castle" Miseria snorted

Miseria:"I don't need to feel it , I'M important" Shiva rolled his eyes

Shiva:"Oh shut it with your ego"

Core:"So?" the other two got startled by Core's sudden appearance

Miseria:"We will take it" he ignored Shiva stabbing their elbow in his side , Core grinned

Core:"perfect , but I have a question if I may ask?"

Shiva:"ask away then"

Core:"there is a possibility that you two could make the church usable again? It would help greatly"

The two looked at each other , Shiva was a bit unsure but Misa had a plan


Shiva:"wait-what"Core beamed at that

Core:"Good , I will sign you as the new owners of this place then , enjoy your stay"

Miseria:"we will"

And with that Core left , leaving Shiva in shock and a Miseria grinning evily

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