A look at Goth's family situation (fixed)

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The Offspring came quickly to his mother's side

Goth:"I'm here mom" Geno seemed annoyed , it was never a good sign for Goth

Geno:"Good , I need to go get some things done , you stay and take care of your siblings" Goth stuttered out

Goth:"Y-your gonn-a leave- us again? Shouldn't i-it be better to w-wait until d-dad's home?!" Geno mood seemed to worsen and he gave Goth a stern glare

Geno:"I'm not going to be gone for long , you should worry about Raven and Shino instead"

Goth:"But-" he got cut off by Geno

Geno:"But nothing , you are old enough to be left alone and take care of them , you shouldn't be selfish and wait for your dad so you could be lazy , you don't want to end up like me right? do you want your siblings to die too?"

Goth:"NO- no , of course not" Goth looked down in shame and a bit of fear , Geno scoffed

Geno:"Then I'm leaving , see you later"

Goth:"hmn..." he nodded and Geno left

Goth:".... Raven , Shino you can come out now , I know you two were listening" The two came out of hiding , Raven cursing under his breath for getting caught and Shino just staring in curiousity

Raven:"Mom left again right?"he huffed , Goth sighed tiredly

Goth:"Yes , they did"

Shino:"Where did Mommy go this time?" The oldest of them looked at her in pity

Goth:"I don't know Shino , Mom never tells us anything anymore" at that the middle child shared his opinion

Raven:"Mom's probably cheating , that's why they leave so often and never say anything to us or dad" Goth gasped in shock and Shino tilted her head in confusion

Goth:"RAVEN- you can't say things like that , it's wrong and there's Shino here" he scolded his little brother

Shino:"What's cheating?"

Goth:"See?!"he pointed at her , Raven just shrugged

Raven:"I was just stating what it looked to me , even if it's not that there is something wrong with Mom"

Goth:"I know their not like how they were in the past but we can't just assume stuff like that Raven , maybe Mom's just having some bad days"

Shino:"Is that why Mommy always yells at you? or with daddy?" Goth's gaze softened at her

Goth:"God sis , you shouldn't have heard that" he sighed

Raven:"It's kinda hard not to hear with how loud mom is" Goth frowned

Goth:"I'm sorry , really" now it was Raven's turn to frown at his brother face

Raven:"you shouldn't apologize , it's not your fault" Shino cheered with him

Shino:"Yeah , you're the best big bro" Goth smiled softly at the two of them

Goth:"Thank you , both of you ....so  how about we play some games" he smiled

Shino:"Yes" she runs to the living room , Raven followed her soon after

Raven:"Sis wait for me" Goth chuckled at the display and joined them

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