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Error and Nightmare were sitting on a hill , Nightmare was helping Error wrap up his wounds , both were silent but Error was the first break it

Error:"Well... will you tell me what happened?"

Nightmare grimanced and closed the last bandage before answering

Nightmare:"You already saw how was the Castle , well that was my fault" Error stared at him in bewilderment

Error:"Are you trying to say that you destroyed it? why? You always get angry for just having a bit of dust on it and now you destroyed it? That's something I espect from the other idiots or even me , not you" Nightmare sighed

Nightmare:"I couldn't contain my anger anymore and I needed to lash out on something , you missed a bit when you were away"

Error:"then tell me from the start , we got all the time of this universe after all or until my blood loss becomes a problem and I pass out" he tried to lightned up the mood , smirking in satifaction when the other chuckled

Nightmare:"guess I have no choice , make yourself comfortable"


*Nightmare's story time*

At first I didn't realize things were changing , it was still before the final battle of the multiversal war

The first thing I noticed was that the boys disappeared more than usual , I thought they found somenthing stupid to do like a hobby or something , but then they started hiding things from me or lie where one of them where when I called them

I didn't particularly care but we were near the final battle so I got angry at them for being so careless and open to ambush

I should have been more attentive with them or noticed the effects my harsh approach did to them

Turns out they were being lured on the good side , and with me scolding and punishing them when they left to have a good time with the other side , without me knowing , I just made their job in choosing a side easier

Now they all live happily with their lovers , some of them are waiting for children , Cross's even with Dream now

But what made me snap was what happened today , earlier Dream visited me to convince me to join him , seeing that now I was alone and so "technically" weaker he hoped to have an easy win

I would never accept , no matter how desperate I could be , he got sad and started to beg and plead like a bitch , I kicked him out and later took out my anger on my surroundings 

*End of Nightmare's story time*

Error:"Wow I didn't espect it really" he had his suspicion but thought Nightmare had everything under control and therefore never mentioned it , now he can never tell the other about it if he doesn't want a scolding for not telling him sooner

Nightmare raised a brow in disbelief

Nightmare:"Weren't you at the final battle too? the idiots were on the good side , I even saw you beat them up "

At that Error chuckled nerviously and rubbed his skull sheepishly

Error:"ha ha.. I may have been a bit too absorted on fighting than to see who I was beating up and I thought they were copies you know?" Nightmare was not amused

Nightmare:"you mean to tell me that you kicked the shit out of them and didn't even know they were the gang?"


With that response Nightmare burst out laughing

Nightmare:"hahaha hahaha , at least they got what they deserved"

Error began to laugh too

Error:"hahaha , you're right haha"

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