What he hid from everyone(fixed)

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In the deepest part of the Antivoid stood Error404 doing his work as usual

Error404:"you can show yourself Core , you don't need to hide"

Core showed themselves to Error404 , the latter merely glanced at them in greeting

Error404:"To what do I own the pleasure of your visit? It's the first time you actively came to see me"

Core faced him with their usual netrual face

Core:"I heard Error died so I came to see how you were doing"

Error404:"Me?Why would I be any different after he died?"

Error404 remained too calm for Core's liking

Core:"I don't know , I hoped you would have at least felt something for him , he looked up to you even when you clearly hurt him" they frowned

Despite Core's claim on his wrong doings Error404 answered as cold and collected as ever

Error404:"Hurting him was necessary for his training , if he looked up to me it was irrevelant if not to make him work harder , but it seems he was weaker than I thought , he didn't even fight for his position when I took another to fill-in his place"

Core frown deepened and their voice showed that they were starting to get upset

Core:"It's because he knew your standards were impossible!! He tried his best but you just made him realize how pointless all of it was!!"

Core's reply was quick but Error404's was even quicker with the same calmness as before

Error404:"It was pointless because he didn't try hard enough , my current successor is doing better than him"

Core's face returned netrual again but their tone of voice was intimidating with how hollow it sounded , they were disappointed

Core:"Don't you have any shame? Or regret? He died , you could at least show a bit of respect"

Error404 wasn't looking at Core anymore and continued his work again

Error404:"why should I? He was nothing to me then and sure as hell not now that he's dead , why that should change anything?"

Core sighed but wasn't finished with this talk yet

Core:"you're hopeless but I know that you're lying , he somehow reached some part of that corrupted soul of yours and you're just in denial" they scoffed

It was barely noticeable but Error404 faltered in replying for a second

Error404:"If it makes you feel better the thought of me possibly caring for that glitch then suit yourself but you're wrong"

Core:"okay then , I think this chat is over"

Error404:"goodbye Core"

Core:"see you 404"

And with that Core teleported to the Omega timeline leaving Error404 alone with his thoughts , the latter in a moment of self-doubt asked out loud in the emptyness of the Antivoid

Error404:"Do you think I made the right choice... brother?"

In the vicinity the ghost of Alpha answered his brother even if the other couldn't see or hear him

Alpha:"Oh Brother that is yours alone to realize but I hope you do soon"

Error404 knew that Error was in the Omega timeline and alive , you can't hide from him for long , but he needed to act like he didn't care and that Error was indeed dead if he wanted his pupil to escape KM's hands , he took a new sucessor in hopes that KM would leave Error alone but it only became worse , he couldn't go against KM without damage and possibly getting Error in danger but not doing anything wasn't better either , he knew that now , Core was right , he cared but he hurt Error too much to even consider looking him in the face

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